Update everyone, mucho pictures


Active Member
Here's an update about my 'girls,' sorry about the bad camera, just wanted to show them off.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Plants are about 6-8 inches tall, with some minor nute burns--nothing to worry about. This is 22 days in on the bigger ones, 12 days on the ones in the party cups.



Active Member
Man awesome plants, I can see you know what your doing.:blsmoke: If I knew you IRL I would totally give you $$$ as an investment!:mrgreen: But seriously, your plants look sick bra! You must do this all the time right? Cuz your setup is pretty solid.:hump: But good luck man, your plants are coming along nicely, make sure to give them much love...Talk to them in a positive voice and vibe, they will respond and grow mucho!:twisted:

I'll keep an eye on your thread, and I think the majority of the forum community should take a look. You can all learn something from owixomen.



Active Member
hay thanks everyone i will be updating tomarrow but to just tell everyone.

I have been feeding with a fox farm mix of the big bloom and big grow and everyone is really coming alone nicely. we have been going on 18/6 from seed for 23 days now with 400 watts of light lovin. and a good pro mix #1 soil. the ones in the party cups are way over due for a re potting to larger pots and so are the ones in the baskets. NO Worries! i have good news everyone i am building a flowering cab in a few days so everyone will be repotted soon.

I will have pics for everyone tomarrow

Smokes up everyone