Update on Medical Marijuana privacy breech class action........

I've already sent mine, but feel free to make all the changes you want. The privacy commissioners findings is a good call....but I'm entitled to perceive the wrongs against me as malicious. It's the way I feel and I am exercising freedom of speech. If HC gets offended, they can always sue me...I'll delay that court hearing until my funeral.
That's all good and well but feelings don't trump facts and they won't give two shits about your feelings. Hell they had to be taken to court just so we could initially even get a medical program, feelings are the last thing they're thinking about. You can FEEL that it was malicious, but you have to prove malicious intent was used.
people waking up like “wonder if I’m getting paid today”

30bucks and a sorry is all were going to get
That's all good and well but feelings don't trump facts and they won't give two shits about your feelings. Hell they had to be taken to court just so we could initially even get a medical program, feelings are the last thing they're thinking about. You can FEEL that it was malicious, but you have to prove malicious intent was used.
I don't need to prove anything to state that I think they used malice. I'm not making that claim in court and it's not like the accusation hasn't been made by others....It's up to the lawyers to prove malice, but it doesn't prevent me from speculating out loud.
I forget where I heard it but I thought it was thru conroy...when they were begging for court money and asking people to
donate the privacy breach money to the cause....
I think they said about 6- 8 grand..
Other lesser cases have netted $10k settlements, so I don't think that's unrealistic. It cost me a lot of embarrassment, loss of respect and ultimately my job and residence so I'm not going to be happy with anything under $5k. Even then I won't be happy, but anything less is an insult. Some have lost a lot more and should be compensated fully for the harms caused. It'll be interesting.....
I hear you Chris....and can I attribute my house getting robbed to this letter arriving ....really opened my eyes to
how stupid a move this was by Health Canada.
They really did put a lot of us in jeopardy, the robber at my place left a 3' section of pick axe handle,which you can see in the video, he had up his right sleeve of his coat.... he also left a 10" assault knife,at the scene.....
I can only assume had we been home at the time and confronted this dumb fuck or startled him....one of us could have been stabbed or sliced or killed.... and the sawn off pick axe club I figured was for the two large dogs we have...to either smack them so the would back off...
or to kill them...with .
If I had my way I would personally sue them for the $21,900 in cannabis and gold that was stolen.
If I had to pay for my meds at LP prices it would be $21,900 which is also a big eye opener...as it was I went without that year more than I didn't and suffered quite a bit considering the opiate crisis also saw my fentanyl cut back 75 percent as well

Now with a complete line up of cannabis meds the fentanyl is no more...
Imagine it's been since 2013...7 fucking years and nothing done in a lawsuit..WTF WTF WTF.
I'm just blown by this.
We used to joke here that some of us would be dead before this is settled. Turns out this was more true that funny.
Every Medical MARIJUANA person got served with a letter STATING IN BOLD LETTERS AS SUCH.. SO AS TO OUT THEM!!! :)
anyone who delivered or saw said letter Knew about our health records WHICH IS ILLEGAL first hand.
Anyone who lost their job...house...were broken into. beaten up due to said letter are now in court for Health Canada divulging critical Health Info that saw people suffer due to its STIGMA
now They are gonna PAY for HARPSHITs FUCK UP one day

Hey Hippy. Here is my latest email to the lawyers....for what it is worth. It is a followup to my last email dated September 2019.

Dear friends :

Well here we are six months later and still no progress on this file ? How long should we expect this process to drag on ? How can Health Canada and the federal government be allowed to muddy the waters for so long ? I try to be patient , and I do realize that the legal system is designed to bore people to death and procrastinate like no others - but this seems beyond the pale.

Please advise as to what is going on here. Can the bastards stall forever ?

Thanking you for your time and efforts,

Yours truly,
For fucks sake........

Privacy Class Action <privacyclassaction@mcinnescooper.com>
Fri 2020-03-13 10:30 AM

Hi David,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately at this time I have nothing further to report since my email to you in November.

Hopefully I will have something to report in the not too distant future.
