Update on my Albino plant CFL grow! Check it out!


Active Member

As you may see, the plant itself isnt fully albino. It is only showing a few albino traits. Some of the nuggets, including the crown is coming out white (the one I documented with a magnified picture.) Its at 7-8 weeks flowering now (The date is within 1 weeks time, aprox because Im not sure EXACTLY when they were planted, I should record that next grow. lol)

Everything is looking sweet as of now, no issues no problems - I had a slight issue with my second plant and a calcium deficiency but I got it all cleared up, although the damaged leaves will never come back 100% no more of them are dying.

The albino plant has had absoultely no issues through its growth *knock on wood* it is starting to smell like nugget/baby shit so I've named the strain Babyshit. lol Yeah yeah I know the strain is unknown but I'm naming it anyway, if you dont like it kiss my ass =D.

Questions, comments?

*EDIT* There are 4 newbies on the left and the two flowering so far. I planted 10 more seeds, a couple never sprouted and the 2 that did turned female =) yay, and I found two wildly growing outside a whileeeeee back that looked like little palm trees so I had taken them in and started them indoors.


Well-Known Member
right on man! that pure white bud is dooope.
did you choose a strain prone to albino traits or did you just get lucky?


Active Member
I got very lucky with the albino plant, this is my first ever grow and all of the seeds are bag seeds.

Its funny though, I started my first grow in a box. I hollowed out a huge entertainment system, fabricated doors, light/air sealed the entire thing - installed intake/exhaust fans, bulb sockets and hooked it all up. Although the plan was genius at first glance, it made the plants dwarfed, the box fluctuated in temperature due to outside air temps and stressed the plants to hell - 10 out of 12 of my newbies at the time turned male and grew some sacks. The other two, my albino and my topped plant turned out female!

The albino plant had me confused for a long time, I had no idea what it could have been! I didnt know that albino cannabis actually existed because I never saw it. I gave my plant everything from cal/mag/other nutes/home remedies and everything but the white just kept flooding the plant. After pre-flowers popped out I started seeing more albino growth up some of the actual buds and got excited, for good reason, because now half of the plant is white and I cant wait to smoke the albino buds! I then built/sealed and transfered everything into a empty closet that was perfect for a lil grow room.

I just planted a bunch more, my friend who also grows had a couple extra train wreck seeds left over that he gave me with the agreement that I would give him 1/4 of the harvest off of the trainwreck so he can master the curing process! Everything worked out great and I am seriously loving my first grow!

At first I wasnt sure that growing was going to be for me. I'm not the best parent to a plant, and honestly I had no idea how to grow at all! Also the law is very shifty and although my state allows it, federally its illegal. I have a professional career though, and although I have the legal right, I dont want to be seen by my clients while I am walking out of the dispensary with a fat jar of nuggets. I figured hey, I'm legally allowed to grow 12 plants, I am only growing 2-3 at a time - I get to keep my privacy, do it in the comfort of my own home, and regulate exactly how my bud comes out - this helps me a lot because now I can find a strain that eases my pain and I can focus my grow efforts on THAT strain rather than pick and choose at a window....

On top of all of that, the experience of "hand crafting" your own buds is amazing. You get to determine the type of high, the quality of the buds and everything. What I plan to do with this albino plant is chop the top when its mature, at about 5% brown and leave the rest of the plant to produce many more cdc's and ill chop that bad boy at around 20% - creating two different high's with 1 plant.