update on my plant check it out


Active Member
Hey man plants are lookin good..I'm still a new grower so I got no advice but keep er up!
what strain are they btw?

LiL VT369

Active Member
thanks for the complement i really dont no what strain it is i got the seeds from my friend he said some were baggs seeds and some were haze seeds so idk ill find out when there done growin if it good bud

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude! Pics of Buds is really great, but also, for me, a pic of one healthy SOB Plant is also exciting. The COLOR is.... Perfect!!! Each Leaf is also Perfect. Post on your soil additives, if any. Mother Nature has been raising "bag seed" for 1,000's of years, they are highly underrated. Be proud of what you got, but most import, don't forget how you got to where you are at, so the next grow will do as well. Is it sexing yet? Congrat's Dude.


Well-Known Member
You've got a good start.. they are a bit stretchy, but so are mine...fucking weather... water every 4-5 days and nute with basic 20-20-20 (I use this..you can use other) once a week and thats it ( flower a 10-25-20 sort of ratio)..outside plants do much better then inside with 1/4 the problems..
good luck and have a +rep for growing..
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LiL VT369

Active Member
thanks for the post im been using nutes once a week and i water it like 2-3 days a week im startin to water it like twice a week now it just been really hot lately and my soil get real dried up so that why i been watering it alil more thanks for the tip im gonna change the nutes i been using 20-9-5 for alil
so far i still cant tell if it a male or female but it looks like a female so far i dont see no those little seed or bubble looking shape by the stems i will update when i find out