Update on Newbie Grow(still need help)

Couldn't be flowering at all seeing as how ithe first time the lights have been off was last night for 6 hours, before then it was on 24-0

Bling Bling BC

Well-Known Member
Went and picked up some Dr earth motherland for transplant, I've really good things about it then I've heard really bad things about it. Wasn't trying to go overboard on the nutes just yet so I just picked up some Alaska fish fertilizer 5•1•1
Don't want to put alot of nutrients just yet. Let me know what you guys think about the Alaska fish fert and soil and them being together. Any feedback is good feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read as well
Alaska stuff stinks bad if your indoor
Yeah it smells pretty bad but I heard it's really good and almost burn proof. Don't know how true it is but like I said I'm staying cheap because I'm using this as a learning experience and its pretty cheap
Seeking advice, I'm sorry about all the questions guys just wanna be able to say I successfully did it. I've read alot about fiming and topping seeing as how this is my first grow I don't feel exactly comfortable with doing either one because I don't want to mess anything up. Would you advise me just go natural and not do anything to it or go ahead and try it? I really don't wanna kill this plant or cause any harm. Maybe I'm just being too paranoid or maybe it's natural to be paranoid because of being a newbie

Bling Bling BC

Well-Known Member
whenever I start a new strain I allow her to go natural to see how see likes to grow then I know how ill need to train her for my growing area for the next ones
Hey guys, so I transplanted last Thursday and not going to be watering until this Thursday. I'm a little nervous to water lol because I don't want to over water or under water so my question is how much water would you say to put in this plant and I'm also going to be mixing in some Alaska fish fertilizer 5-1-1 how much of that would I mix in with the recommended amount of water. I know it may seem like a stupid question to some but I just want to be as cautious as possible thanks guys


Bling Bling BC

Well-Known Member
should be directions on the bottle then go from there. looks like your growing in coco? Coco is safe to water every couple days. water till you have run off