*UPDATE* w/pics My chick


Active Member
whats good, just wanna get some advice on what to do from here, i can see a few hairs coming out the top, and she smells good but im in the nyc and im not sure if im going to have time.



Active Member
lookin nice and green man...if she doesnt flower in time i would take her inside and put her under some artificial light.i think you can look up how long the days are in your area on the internet.
what i would do since she's pretty tall is re-transplant her in that(just raise her up and add more soil) pot to give her some more room for roots.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys, but yah i couldnt give it alot of sun for awhile cause my neighbors creep and if they saw it they prob try and jack it. Say i do get it to flower and start to bud how much do you think i could yeild from this


Well-Known Member
Dude, you seriously need to get more dirt in that pot and don't worry you'll have enough time. If you don't get more dirt you'll be lucky to get an eigth, more dirt and room for more roots then an ounce. If you add more dirt than be real careful not to disrupt the soil its in too much.


Active Member
DWC... imo u get faster growth and u can grow it in a smaller environment. I grow 6 plants in 1 10gal tub n get about 1.5oz per plant in 3 months... from seed
but its just a plant. make sure the roots r happy n walk away. nature can handle it from there


Active Member
Aright i added more dirt, but should i try and raise the plant up?
i dont wanna damage it by moving it around
from here on out its getting 8-10 hours of sun a day
and by the pictures, its a female? im pretty sure it is


Well-Known Member
If it's bagseed then there's still a good chance for a hermie and yeah, you'll have to lift the plant carefully.


Active Member
Aright im going to go any try to lift it up, based on the pictures how long til it flowers?
its about 2 1/2 months old as of today yaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
It's age has nothing to do with when it will flower. It won't start flowering until the light cycle is switched to 12/12, light/dark. If it's outside then use this - http://astro.unl.edu/classaction/animations/coordsmotion/daylighthoursexplorer.html - to find out what the daylength is for your latitude on earth. If your days are still long then you can force it to flower by putting it some where dark, just make sure NO light gets to them. They take about 2 months to flower and get 2-3 times bigger during the flowering period.


Well-Known Member
It should at least be starting to flower now. I think you might yield close to an ounce if its given more soil. Looks good, though.


Active Member
I gave it more soil, and my question is do i have to pull the plant up? wont the roots find there way ?
I was talking to someone about this and they said the roots should find their way

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yes the roots will find thier way into the new stuff...even if you just add soil on top. the stem that got buried will start sprouting roots out of the sides of it.


Well-Known Member
Yes they will, even if you just add it to the top if you feel more comfortable that way. It's just easier for the roots to grow more naturally downward toward water.