update wk 5


Active Member
Seeing as its been a while since my last update figure why not. Now for some of the pro-growers you make look at these and say fail or poor plants but to me its a success. 1st grow and all though weeks away i have bud forming. The trich production is starting to show more now also. Its been full organic and only feed they saw was mollasses as i wanted to kiss and i used Roots Organic 707 which was plenty good for veg.
I did have some nuts show and some lower buds had seeds starting but nothing up top.
3 plants around 3ft
plant A
plant B
plant C


Active Member
Let me know what you guys think so far. Im working on getting to the gen growing section and out of newbie central lol


Active Member
im thinking for next grow a more indi dom strain just havnt figured out what yet for what im working with for space and watts

Bayou bud

Active Member
Looking good for your first grow man. Keep up the good work. Next time you can snip off that popcorn bud at the bottom that I think you mentioned was seeding a bit and that may increase your THC content as well as cola size. Also, thats a hermed plant if you got nuts showing... not sure if you knew that or not. It will be a bit jacked up because of that. Id cut the nuts off before they pop if you can to cut down on pollen. Also a carbon filter (if you dont already have one) will help suck up some of that pollen. Every seed that plant shows is a drop in THC and bud size you could have had.


Active Member
looks really good man. ur still gunna have some nice smoke regardless and its ur first grow so dont worry about the seeds no biggie maybe u can just grow those seeds and seperate males this time....good luck


Active Member
thx guys and it was fun so far but still a ways to go to finish up then start the cure.thinking 3wks more flower and then time tochop
the popcorn i pulled off as it was only going to fill up with seeds. Im not the type to say omg a seed im not smoking it either,a few seeds is no prob for me.
I started with 8 ended up with 3 fems and 1 small fem i had from cfl. trust me i pulled the males dutch lol hated seeing nuts, and as they should be my males where the most dom of the grow.
thx again guys


Active Member
congratz on some beautiful looking plants,
you can take pride in the knowledge that you have succeeded.
+ rep for you my friend,
hope fully next time get some better genetics.