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So turns out the root was trying to expose its self so I had my wife repot it with fresh soil and here is the before after and the now


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No I don't. I'm out of town for work and the wife really doesn't know or rather didn't know what to do. I typically grow out doors. First indoor grow for winter
Do you typically water it in a tiny circle around the plant?


I see it all the time, on here and other outlets. You have a plant in a massive pot and only watered the middle bit. Why? What is the thinking?

The wife and I watch quite a few gardening and horticulture videos (Cannabis Youtubers generally know fuck all.), specifically to do with growing vegetables in containers. When potting up the advice given with any plant is to water it in to it's new pot. When you pot up you want the plant to fill that pot with roots as quickly as possible. A plant, any plant, will not send roots out into dry medium.

The other day I went from 2.5L pots to 17L pots and within a few days I had roots appearing out of the bottom drain holes. I am not saying drown the thing, just water it slowly until you get a little runoff all they way around the base of the pot.

I see it all the time, on here and other outlets. You have a plant in a massive pot and only watered the middle bit. Why? What is the thinking?

The wife and I watch quite a few gardening and horticulture videos (Cannabis Youtubers generally know fuck all.), specifically to do with growing vegetables in containers. When potting up the advice given with any plant is to water it in to it's new pot. When you pot up you want the plant to fill that pot with roots as quickly as possible. A plant, any plant, will not send roots out into dry medium.

The other day I went from 2.5L pots to 17L pots and within a few days I had roots appearing out of the bottom drain holes. I am not saying drown the thing, just water it slowly until you get a little runoff all they way around the base of the pot.
There's an in between that's called transplanting into moist medium.
I work 120 mile from my house 3 to 4 days a week and my wife has been taking care of the babies. Someone said always blame the wife etc. The roots were trying to expose themselves on one of my three bigger autos. Well she reported with fresh soil that was damp and we changed out ligts and the plant sprung back she just didn't water enough. It's hard working 15 hour shifts and trying to wall her though all of it. We're only half way through week 3 on the grow. I'm new to growing indoors myself but I know how to water the plant
Fuck bro. You need to invest in a controller.
your guys schedule is to busy for hand watering. There is loads of equipment that’s is automated. Right up your ally