

Active Member
Looks healthy. Topped and LST'd I can see. Looks good to me. Im trying to do that male thing where I from out terms to convey my knowledge and manlyness. Thats pretty much where it ends.


The first pic looks like the stems have a red tinge to them, they should be a nice green colour, that symptom could be a few things, either it's not getting enough nitrogen (but leaves do look healthy at the moment) or your PH levels are too low. I read somewhere that Nitrogen needs the PH over 5.5 minimum to work in soil but i personally run my soil PH at a minimum of 6.4 and i don't get any problems. This of course is just my opinion and there are far more experienced growers out there bongsmilie but good luck in your grow.


Well-Known Member
it looks good bend those t big tops right over little bits at a time and you will have a nice bushy plant with lots of tops
I have been bending her every day. As far as the redness while topping I accidently nicked a leaf well the stem of it and it resulted in some bruising
Lets get critical thank u
Any advice on organically raising ph?
I have been bending her every day. As far as the redness while topping I accidently nicked a leaf well the stem of it and it resulted in some bruising
Lets get critical thank u
Any advice on organically raising ph?


Active Member
I have been bending her every day. As far as the redness while topping I accidently nicked a leaf well the stem of it and it resulted in some bruising
Lets get critical thank u
Any advice on organically raising ph?
I severed a branch completely when doing my first top and got my first clone. Dolomite lime is a good natural way to raise ph.