Upgraded CFLs to HPS


Well-Known Member
Small closet grow, Nirvana bubbleicious. Got a mini sunburst 150w hps above a GH waterfarm.
Also got one of these ph meters instead of the liquid ph tester i had
photo (1).JPG

So just want some opinions.

1. It's autoflower so would 24/0 be better than 18/6? Or i guess what's the best light scheduele for this light + autoflowering plant?
2. I'll probably get better venting later, all i have is a fan right on the bulb, it doesnt get too hot but would it be better used there or facing the plant?
3. Look at the picture and let me know if that's too high up for a 150w, and how much closer it should be.

Anyway, thanks for reading, here are the pictures

photo (3).JPGphoto.JPG



Active Member
When it comes to autos I believe you are best to give them 20 on 4 off. Because of their short life span you want them to spend as much time as possible soaking up light. 12 - 12 would be pointless.



Well-Known Member
never done or know much about auto's do take with grain of salt but i thought auto's were 12/12
When it comes to autos I believe you are best to give them 20 on 4 off. Because of their short life span you want them to spend as much time as possible soaking up light. 12 - 12 would be pointless.

and what about the distance from bulb to plant top? Is that going to be ok?


Active Member
and what about the distance from bulb to plant top? Is that going to be ok?
The traditional rule of thumb is place it so that its as close as possible without burning the plant. Put your hand out at the top of your plant, if the light is to hot for your hand it's to hot for the plant.


I just ordered my first batch of autos, and from what I read up on them they have different recommended times. 12-12 wouldn't be smart for any strain, but the strains I got suggest 20/4. Does 24/0 work better? Not sure, but I'll probably be sticking with 20/4.


Active Member
Why choose autos when you can achieve better results with regular seeds, you can grow a mother plant and take endless(almost) clones of it an wualla you don't need more seeds, and you harvest consistantly, you can do that with autos but you'd need alot of seedsP.S. autos are less potent than regular


Well-Known Member
Why choose autos when you can achieve better results with regular seeds, you can grow a mother plant and take endless(almost) clones of it an wualla you don't need more seeds, and you harvest consistantly, you can do that with autos but you'd need alot of seedsP.S. autos are less potent than regular
Because i'm growing 1 plant in small closet in an illegal state. lol dont have the time, space, or light to have perpetual harvest with reg seeds at the moment.

And i'm not trying to sell it, so yield and quality dont matter as much too me right now, i just want ONE nice harvest i can dry/cure/smoke & be proud of!


Active Member
Because i'm growing 1 plant in small closet in an illegal state. lol dont have the time, space, or light to have perpetual harvest with reg seeds at the moment.

And i'm not trying to sell it, so yield and quality dont matter as much too me right now, i just want ONE nice harvest i can dry/cure/smoke & be proud of!
well any weed is good if it gets you high
just a couple of thing to consider before growing,
ask if ya need help on sth else


New Member
What's up X?! Good looking grow bro.
Are the three of those plants growing under 1 150w HPS?
And what day from seed are they?


Well-Known Member
Fluorescent I can keep really close to the canopy top (2"-3") but even with my 250w hps, I always kept it at least 8 inches from top.


Well-Known Member
Fluorescent I can keep really close to the canopy top (2"-3") but even with my 250w hps, I always kept it at least 8 inches from top.
Yeah, I have to keep it pretty high above my plants, even with fan blowing directly underneath it. Which is why cfl's + HPS rocks socks