Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

I was messing with my new grow software...uploading photos and etc to it...and I noticed that my JPG photos contained all sorts of information including, owner, when the photo was taken, equipment type, GPS coordinates(scary one!).

I found a free tool that strips this info from your digital uploads...this might come in handy....or maybe i'm being my paranoid self.....



Well-Known Member
call me paranoid if you like, but I don't want my info on the internet NFW
good post
Re-read your posts my friend, you have divulged more information than your pictures could ever tell. I have many pictures here online taken from 3 different devices with GPS enabled, where am I?



Active Member
If you want to be extra safe stick with digital cameras. Stay away from cell phone cameras. However, if that software will strip the info on the cell phone pics that's great though.
I'm pretty sure the rollitup.org strips this metadata from your files....but not all websites have to do that....send me a regular jpg straight from your phone and i will tell you all this info...
i mean...it takes me a whole 10 seconds to clean the meta data from my directory of photos...... i just do little things to give me that good 'ol fuzzy feeling like:

Don't ship Grow equipment to your house address (especially seeds)
Use a different anony email for all your growing communication.
Don't store images on your local computer if you can avoid it - I'm an IT guy....you would be amazed to see what kind of stuff you stumble on by accident....
Any local purchases etc ..don't text with your cell phone number....use one of those many free sms programs that give you a cali number or whatever.
and number one..... drum roll............DONT TELL ANYONE about your closet grow....... if you feel the need to show off or ask questions.....use rollitup.org....
and hitting that "delete history" button never killed anyone....


Well-Known Member
i mean...it takes me a whole 10 seconds to clean the meta data from my directory of photos...... i just do little things to give me that good 'ol fuzzy feeling like:

Don't ship Grow equipment to your house address (especially seeds)
Use a different anony email for all your growing communication.
Don't store images on your local computer if you can avoid it - I'm an IT guy....you would be amazed to see what kind of stuff you stumble on by accident....
Any local purchases etc ..don't text with your cell phone number....use one of those many free sms programs that give you a cali number or whatever.
and number one..... drum roll............DONT TELL ANYONE about your closet grow....... if you feel the need to show off or ask questions.....use rollitup.org....
and hitting that "delete history" button never killed anyone....
All very good practises to keep the closet grower safe, with almost 17 years in IT fraud/security I have testified in 11 cases where information garnered from providers and registrars are used to convict.

If they are out for you they will get you, for everybody else relax and smoke a bowl. bongsmilie

Yea you probably right....They are not going to hire a forensics team to come after my 2 plants I have for personal anxiety relief..... but it makes me feel better being a little secure...
I take fish oil pills that are good for my heart....i'm 29.... chances are slim that i'll have a coronary event are slim...but hey....this stuff is cheap and easy to do..so why the hell not.... it's like saying..."i've been driving for 15 years and never had a head on collision......so i'm not gonna bother with a seat-belt.... ( i know, statistically, these are not good analogies....but i'm just illustrating the subject mindset...
hey ru..... i just put my cheese into flowering....man it smells good...but the little fucker is potent.....
i saw that you did some lemon skunk.....do you have any cheap ways to keep the smell down in a tent environment?


Well-Known Member
hey ru..... i just put my cheese into flowering....man it smells good...but the little fucker is potent.....
i saw that you did some lemon skunk.....do you have any cheap ways to keep the smell down in a tent environment?
I absolutely agree with your other post, you know the rule "It's better to be safe than sorry"; I still look both ways before crossing the street.

For smell I use ONA gel, if you have only two plants 1 TUB (around $36 will last from start of flower to harvest) if you just uncap the tub and if the smell is not gone, pour out a little in a Tupperware and the extra exposed area will quickly suck up the rest. There are a few new ONA products like dust and sprays that you could also try.
