Im oppositeThat's funny on blow and speed I can't even get an erection and have zero sex drive.
Coke, ice, meth, Adderall, almost all uppers make me lean more towards the gay side. When sober it's barley a thought. WTF?
Good pure coke wont do that but finding good pure shit is almost impossible nowadays. I stick to natural things now anyway.Coke gives me turtle dick. Wont come out for nothing.
Good pure coke wont do that but finding good pure shit is almost impossible nowadays. I stick to natural things now anyway.
If u ever have the privilege to try any you will see, ask anyone that got the good shit back in the 80's and see what they tell you. Idk why all you young bucks think people are making stuff up if you havent experienced it yourself. Your issue should be with your dealer not the guy telling you how good shit really is.Cool story. You should tell it at parties
If u ever have the privilege to try any you will see, ask anyone that got the good shit back in the 80's and see what they tell you. Idk why all you young bucks think people are making stuff up if you havent experienced it yourself. Your issue should be with your dealer not the guy telling you how good shit really is.
So confident in your ignorance, I almost admire you for it. Maybe one day you will see what some real shit is like or maybe you will continue wasting your money on trash the rest of your life. I'd probably go with the latter cause if your dealer knows your dumb enough to think what he is giving you is good then why would he ever sell you something different.Another wonderful story but
you're dead wrong, old man
I don't fuck with it in the states so youre absolutely clueless, sorry
So confident in your ignorance, I almost admire you for it. Maybe one day you will see what some real shit is like or maybe you will continue wasting your money on trash the rest of your life. I'd probably go with the latter cause if your dealer knows your dumb enough to think what he is giving you is good then why would he ever sell you something different.
Coke gives me turtle dick. Wont come out for nothing.
Yes vice holds such editorial standards. Your the one on here talking about doing coke, I stopped doing anything that isnt from nature 5 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. 99% of the coke I have gotten has given me limp sick but like I said I have gotten good pure shit several times that would make you horny and you could get and keep an erection if you wanted. So i guess your saying my chemical make up changes from batch to batch or is it more likely the cut or quality changes from batch to batch? You getting it only on vacation even validates the fact that your not getting the good shit because they try to make as much money as possible off of vacationers.Again, you incorrigible-old -blowhard-goat, i don't have a dealer. I only do it while in the Caribbean once or twice a year. Dozen different islands, same fire, goat
Quick Google search; erection on cocaine. which shows almost verbatim what i experience. Weird.
Quick snippet for the casual, only do it while vacationing in the Caribbean, users.
"A recent study found that, in humans, cocaine administration increased sexual desire, but decreased condom usage," explains Mary Samplaski MD, a director of the male fertility section at the Institute of Urology, University of Southern California. "And while every man is different, for many men cocaine will result in sexual dysfunction."
Quick snippet that heavy frequent using blow heads, such as yourself, may experience
"Chronic use of cocaine may lead to priapism, which is a persistent painful erection often needing medical assistance—it's a serious condition that can cause permanent damage to the penis."
Everyone is different, goat. Not everyone is a Coke head, like yourself, old goat %1$s&share= %1$s&share=
Please tell me more of your stories, you old blowhard goat.
Yeah I’ve heard it encourages butt play, not sure if that gay between couples but it happens in my lifeCoke, ice, meth, Adderall, almost all uppers make me lean more towards the gay side. When sober it's barley a thought. WTF?