Upside down U shaped light green part of plant coming out of soil...this means?


a light greenish tinted stem? is appearing on a seedling i out of the soil but just barely....its formed in a upside down U both ends going down into the soil...what does this mean?



Well-Known Member
Well if the seed hasn't surfaced then that is what it is...the main stalk coming up through the soil...just leave it be either way...


so if you guys wouldnt mind answering this last question....I've been keeping it indoors in the window sill, its 100 degrees where i live so i cant have it outside for lighting yet...if i decide to go down that road, I've been wondering how many weeks from now as its growing do i need to change this system and get some lights and put it on a certain light schedule.


Well-Known Member
Buy a tin pie pan. A cheap shop light with the metal hood. Take the hood off. Punch a hole in the middle of the pie pan. put the black port in it. put a Y splitter on the ligh socket. GEt 2 5700 plus CFLs and keep them within 2" of the plant and keep that up and read your ass off here in the newbie section and by the time you are a learned doctor as far as buds go you will know what to do beyond that!


tin pie pan like the ones from marie callenders? and the cheap shop light, whats the purpose of that if i'm using the 2 CFLs, i'm using 3 lights? and the black port, thats what i have my soil and plant in right now? im sorry that i sounds like a complete idiot right now and you're probably shaking your head at these questions. >.<


Active Member
he means one of those disposable baking pans...they look like really thick tinfoil that you bake in ya know? it was talking about using that as a reflector with the shop-light. If you already have lights, just make sure to focus all the light directly onto the plant. CFLs arent that hot, so keep them pretty close. Its real easy to you tube simple cfl grow set ups. simple need a lot of light. what kind of bulbs are you using? get a couple high wattage cfls from the depot. i think 150 watt ones are like 8 bucks, 300watt ones are like 16.... they're huge, and should work. Ideally you will want to replant your baby into a larger pot when the leaves outstretch the edge of the container. And you will probably want to put it into a pot at least three gallons. You should have it on a system from the start, whether you go 24/0, or 18/6, you should be consistent with your lighting through each phase. if youre going to grow outdoors, grow outdoors...if you're going to grow indoors, set it up right and stay consistent. if you are a first time grower, you will probably have better luck in an indoor controlled environment. you can control the lighting, temperature, and nutrients....if you don't know what you are doing, the outside could throw to many curve balls at you. I dunno...research research tube is amazing. Watch jorge cervantis ultimate grow. you'll be better off than the mixed bag of answers you'll get from every stoner with an opinion on these forums. Its nice to communicate on here, but take the advice with a grain of salt, and Google reputable sources.


I havent bought lights yet, this was the first sign of any thing coming out of the i plan on buying lights tomorrow. i've just been keeping it on my window sill inside, and in 3 days without germination its starting to grow. thanks for all the advice, i do plan on growing indoor because its over 100 degrees and climbing outside where i live...the strain is Blackjack from Nirvana