Upturned leafs??


Active Member
I have recently flushed one of my plants as i over nuted it! its seems to have reacted well but i have looked at it today and a couple of the leafs have pretty much folded up and back on themselves?? Whats going on there?

Also i have just potted a couple of sprouted seeds, do they need constant light before they have broken through the soil?



Well-Known Member
keep waiting ... it may come back to normal and it may not, it depends how long they was overnutet and how much.

anyway, after stress like this plant will grow slower and smaller, though..


Active Member
Well its defo grown today :) Its jusr 2 leafs on the 2nd batch down have folded all the others at the top are fine and green!

What about my seedling do they need light before they hatch? :)