URGENT - Droopy leaves NOT from overwatering...Urgent

Okay I am using CFL's approx 1-2 inches from the plants. I scooped up a bit of the soil on the side of the one that's messed up looking and the roots were literally right underneath the soil near the top. COuld this be it? I am going to repot into a much larger pot to see if that helps.. Will it? Thanks.
i thot i was overwatering to...

i went to Lowe's today and bought a meter for -12- bucks. it displays light intensity, pH, and moisture level. good thing i did. the soil was borderline dry and the pH is around 8 even though i've hardly fertilzed at all and have only used distilled water to this point. must be the durn soil. oh well, least i can keep a better eye on things now.
yo buddy throw some water on them girls there thirsty i just had the same scare a couple days ago and water them every other day only enough to make a lil sit on top for a second no more then they will be fine and i just threw mine into flowering 4 hours ago

I just repotted the plants into bigger pots, they are plastic holding cans that are approximately three times larger than the last pots they were in (8"- 3.65Liters). When I removed each plant from their respective pots, the roots were literally at the bottom of the pot. I figure that must be typical of "Root Bound". I hope that was the problem and that it can be fixed. One plant is starting to die like the other one, while the other one is TERRIBLE looking. I hope it isn't dead.

I repotted both plants into single pots of the size I said above. I added nutes @ approx 1/4 strength as well and watered the plants. I hope this won't kill them. Will the one that's basically looking terrible perk back up? Or is it basically gone?
Another update-

Approximately 45 minutes after re-potting and feeding the plants they immediately both perked back up. The one that LITERALLY looked dead perked back up and everything looks relatively healthy again. I added another 3 lights as well, hopefully that will help. I will be monitoring the plants very closely, but I am guessing this is an extremely positive sign that they perked up this much in such a short amount of time.
Need help!!!! My husband ran out of ph up so he used vinegar n. Water to balance ph well he sprayed a little on plants now they arw drooping. What can i do? The stems have new growth on them.
Its manganese and magnesium deficiency put a quarter tbsp of epsom salt in your water ph it and let her RIP that's what's causing the purplish in the stems and if you have yellow lines going down the middle of your leave that looks like it's just a thick vein that's calcium def use a little granular bone meal in some hot water then add it to your water/nute solution instant cal instead of slow fed itll fix the problem quick but be a little stingy with how much bone meal you add only 3 pinches or so
Its manganese and magnesium deficiency put a quarter tbsp of epsom salt in your water ph it and let her RIP that's what's causing the purplish in the stems and if you have yellow lines going down the middle of your leave that looks like it's just a thick vein that's calcium def use a little granular bone meal in some hot water then add it to your water/nute solution instant cal instead of slow fed itll fix the problem quick but be a little stingy with how much bone meal you add only 3 pinches or so
Those plants probably finished a while ago ! JS
True I was here already I guess and this is technically the first forum I ever been a part of and still figuring out how to do this shit lol but thanks for letting me know where to go for future reference
But.. people ask these questions in the plant problem section. Why not help there in a thread that actually gets used ?
Okay my plants have NEVER displayed this before until this morning. They are on their 29th day of Vegging and are being put into flowering mode tomorrow, hopefully..

However today when I went to look at my plants, the one looks not that bad but the second one's lower leaves are extremely droopy. The upper ones are not as much but the lower ones have all but fallen into the plant stem, they're that droopy.

I do not overwater. I wait until the soil is COMPLETELY dry before even thinking about watering them, and the soil right now (from their watering 4 daysa go now) is still just the tiniest bit moist (They'll probably need wartering tonight sometime).

What's going on? I've never had this before until this point.. I know I am not overwatering.

Here is a picture of the plants: It's specifically the right plant (in the picture where there are two plants). Also, I am using 3.65L (3.85G) 8" pots and pH is exactly balanced to 6.5. Everything has been like this since day 1 of vegging, and has been fine since until this morning. Maybe I'm just jumping the gun?

underwatering, letting them dry out too much, the plants are getting bigger so will be drinking more now. dont let them dry out COMPLETELY. i would also let them recover before putting into flower as the shock could do more damage, hermie or kill them.
resume normal watering for 5-7 days and if they bounce back then flip into flower
Incase others find this thread it's never a good idea to use nutes to water in a transplant in soil. Especially if the plants already having issues. That could shock the plant more than usual from a transplant. Usually just want to water in with ph'd water and maybe some recharge or benificial bacteria and fungi. The new soil should have nutes in it where you shouldn't need to add any for a while.
Why do you guys always half fill pots? Are you incapable of putting the correct amount of medium in a pot?

Tbh, 90% of issues these days are from under watering as everyone is obsessive and keeps pushing fear campaigns that lead to every post being filled with barren pots pretty much every time.

If I had a dollar for every thread that was massively underwatered while stressing out about over watering I'd be a millionaire by now.

For Christ's sake I run off my 3 gallon pots before I even put a seed in there while everyone's fucking around with shot glasses of water, creating hydrophobic mediums and tiny root balls. It shouldn't be so hard to figure out how to water a plant.

For example I've had dozens of people ask for help and then mention putting one cup of water in a 3 gallon pot days ago....
And I'm like...bro I put a gallon through to runoff before the seed even went in. Just water your bloody plant.