URGENT, Has anyone ever used colloidal silver to cure brown algae/slime?

I am having a brown algae problem in my undercurrent. It is pretty bad and the babies are young. I was told by my local shop that colloidal silver is the only thing that will cure it. I was gonna put take them from the undercurrent and replant in soild but they said this would fix it. They are pretty knowledgeable but I wanna check for and see of anyone has tried it before I do. Any help is greatly appreciated. Heres the link to my first post about the problem if that helps any. Urgent, brown algae in undercurrent.


Well-Known Member
Colloidal silver is used to trigger hermaphrodites in female seed making...that's the extent of my knowledge on that. If you're having algae problems, you must have light leaking into your system.

More frequently people use H2O2 food grade (the strong stuff) to treat this. But treating it is useless until you block all light entrance to your res and hoses and such.
Unfortunately its browm algae that doesnt need light and likes oxygen. My local hydro store had to ask a pro because they hadn't seen it before. The pro said colloidal silver was the only real solution. He said to add quarter recommended strength for three days then flush. Supposedly it will kill all fungus, mold and rot. It also kills my benificials but oh well. I just added 28 oz to 210 gallons. I was told it only take a day to notice. According to some scientific studies I just read it only takes a few hours for the silver to destroy the algae. There were studies that said it could inhibit young root growth but Ive heard of people using it on young plants and seeds to insure they turn female so I dont see how the inhibition is possible if you do it to seeds. I was told running the silver in the system for over a week will result in hermies so I plan on dumping after 3 days. I was told it will leave particles that will prevent disease for the rest of the grow. It all just seems to be too go to be true. I will keep you updated because if it works then it could be the miracle cure everyone has been looking for. If it kills my girls im gonna throw the god damned bottle through the manufacturers window. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Well, what's normally called brown algae is actually not algae at all...it's a cyanobacterium and does photosynthesize. Like I said, I don't know about the silver...but people use SM90 and innoculation with beneficial organisms to fight this off. Or H2O2 as I mentioned before.

If you use colloidal silver and the plants herm...be sure to save the female seeds that are produced. lol


Well-Known Member
Im with JD on this...sm90/h2o2 or EWC tea....never heard the collodial silver used for that and would honestly shy away from it....and prolly that shop too!!


Well-Known Member
Silver is used as an anti-microbial in certain applications (I'm thinking medical or filtration), but don't think it'd be an effective treatment for you and the microbes... Try out one of the other 'known' treatments as suggested. As with any sales people, pushing product is the goal, and probably not a cheap/effective one at that in this case.


Well-Known Member
as always heisenberg!!!...the best at it and still today!!!!.....if you have that dude in your corner then eerrrbody gets knocked out!!:hump:

just be simple bout it and do whats necesary!!
added the colloidal silver a day ago and the slime and algae died in hours. The water looks clear and I can see all the dead slime on the bottom of the buckets which i couldnt before because the water was so brown. I also noticed a growth spurt. Its nice because i dont have to take the plants out while killing the slime. Gonna run it for another day then flush but I think it worked. If this winds up working it could be a miracle product because supposedly it also protects against rot and a shit ton of other stuff. Im not sure yet but i will keep everyone posted on the outcome. I also have some non fem free seeds I was gonna junk but im gonna try to fem them with the colloidal silver. Wish me luck
Heisenbers post was the first I read unfortunately as he said the younger the roots the less likely they are to survive and h202 dip. The silver was advised to me as the safest. So far so good. Fingers crossed.
Thanks. It supposedly works for everything but we shall see. I can only run it for a few days before I run the rosk of hermies but Im loving the rapid growth. Dont anybody start adding it yet though. I will keep updating if it work in the long run. As far asI can tell the only people who have tried it are scientists and the pro who recommended it. So far so good ( great actually) but only time will tell if root development becomes inhibited any. Top growth is thriving for sure though. I will start a detailed journal of
y slime problem and irradiation technique as soon as O habe some time. I have been taking vids and pics for uploading later. Kinda crazy how fast it cleared the water and sent the slime to the bottom. It doesnt even look slimey anymore. The silver made it break down amd almost just look like dirt
All right. So its been awhile since I used the colloidal silver and everything worked perfectly. After I drained the silver I started using Heisenbergs tea to no avail. I know it works for almost everyone else but it didnt for me. So I got a 60 watt pond sterilzer rated fpr 6000 gallons amd installed that. I am also running 400 ml of h202 every three days. The water is crystal clear so far. I am also top feeding botanicare ewc tea every three days amd give the roots a good spray with it too. The tea helps because the uv and h202 kill all the good bacteria as well as the slime. This method is rocking so far. Surprised I havent seen more people run sterilizers. If you top feed bennies and keep iron in check it seems to be the best way amd also cheaper than and less annoying than constanly brewing tea.