Urgent Help Assist please please


New Member
So confused after watching tons of vids, reading through so much, looking at pics... this is my first indoor grow and we are close to the end... AM I FREAKING OUT FOR NO REASON? Or, what should I do here more like it... instinct says kill it but it is so purdy and my fave!?!??! I have 5 other flowering plants in the same room, do I kill it, cut off THOSE buds and watch... help help help you sud muffin growers please, in my infancy.

I found a weird part of a lower popcorn nug... looked like a little ball, then I was like no this came off that mother, I know it is female... closer look, and research, it is a banana... Here she is:

IMG_5340.JPG IMG_5347.JPG IMG_5351.JPG

So are those infact female pollen sacs? Have the opened? Do I get this the heck outta there? Please help before I do something dramatic!

Thank all of you

Rick James


Well-Known Member
How close to the end? As Bugeye sayid. snipping them off won't hurt anything. If you're within 5 days or less of harvest leaving them won't be an issue


New Member
It seems likely two weeks by tri color... maybe a little less or a little more... I worry about the 5 other strains in the flower room. Placed this one outside for now, that would be day one out of flower just sitting there :( so sad. Snipping sounds great but will I have to worry about pollenation to all other 5 if I put her back in????

Some of the others may be 4-5 weeks out...

Thanks so much!


New Member
How close to the end? As Bugeye sayid. snipping them off won't hurt anything. If you're within 5 days or less of harvest leaving them won't be an issue
It seems likely two weeks by tri color... maybe a little less or a little more... I worry about the 5 other strains in the flower room. Placed this one outside for now, that would be day one out of flower just sitting there :( so sad. Snipping sounds great but will I have to worry about pollination to all other 5 if I put her back in????

Some of the others may be 4-5 weeks out...

Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
Even if those are the only ones you see there's a chance you could miss some, so yes there is a possibility you could have some pollination if it's put back with the others.


Well-Known Member
Yet another finger print for my collection crop that pic or else...?

Herms need to be trashed immediately. ..its the hard part of growing canna,
but gets easier with each grow, that HERMY pollen will screw you nuts
and buddy Bugeye should know better ...! if I cut his nuts off ...is he still a male?
concept follows thru

in time you will spot a herm easy ..know you know what you are looking for stay sharp
to my blog:https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/12-week-grow-sceneario-cervantas.29407/


Well-Known Member
Yet another finger print for my collection crop that pic or else...?

Herms need to be trashed immediately. ..its the hard part of growing canna,
but gets easier with each grow, that HERMY pollen will screw you nuts
and buddy Bugeye should know better ...! if I cut his nuts off ...is he still a male?
concept follows thru

in time you will spot a herm easy ..know you know what you are looking for stay sharp
to my blog:https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/12-week-grow-sceneario-cervantas.29407/
To be fair, my recommendation was made under the assumption that harvest is very near, not 4-5 weeks away. I would have no problem keeping a hermie around if harvest were 3-4 days away, especially if we are only talking a few nanners that could easily be picked off.


New Member
Thank you guys, ended up killing it :( it slept next to me a few nights before I got the nerve. First time I had to do that lol

All others looking great no more sacs that I found... unstable strain and I learned a lot. Thank goodness for peeps like you who take the time.
