Urgent Help needed!


Hey all,

I transplanted one of my big plants due to the soil being really crappy. And now the plant has seriously wilted and is only getting worse. Its a large outdoor plant that sits around a meter and a half in length. What are the ways to help stop transplant shock?

Ive added some rescue remedy to the water and made sure it was well watered, ive sprayed the leaves and left it in the sun, and in the shade with no improvement.

please help!


Active Member
You probably damaged the roots a bit. I use super thrive for transplant shock. I would keep doing what your doing and she will come out of it hopefully, my guess is she's just a bit shocked.


Active Member
you've already done the damage from my experiance trying "to save" it now will just hurt it more...let it fight to survive..maybe some light grow nutes and just let it go...


Active Member
Just treat her as you normally would. And Super Thrive is made for things like transplant shock, it won't hurt to help her out a bit.