Urgent!! Need advice now


Ok so I am running a DWC 5 gallon bucket under an LED light. Its been going really well until a couple of days ago. I am growing MK ULTRA. But I came home from work and was in a hurry, I was tired and ready to sleep and I wanted to get my pH from around 5.0-5.5 to about 6.0-6.5 Well I didnt check it after i put the pH up in and went to bed. About 13-15 hours later I checked and my pH was wayyyyy too high. I immediately put pH down in it hoping it would save the already slightly drooping leaves. So i let another day pass and went to check again. It hadnt got any better so I changed the water and put new nutes in and left the pH alone and it stood at 5.0 or so. Well another goes by and then it started to look like the pictures above. I then drained the water once more and put more water in there, no nutes or anything and that is how it has been since. This is day 4 of the shock. But what gets me most is the plant is still green and looks good as far as color the smaller leaves look fine still and the leaves are brittle they still feel like they did and arent brittle at all. I am stumped and dont know what to do! Keep in mind though this is my first plant ever and I believe I just made a careless mistake that I know I will never make again.


Active Member
PH too high flush it with hydrogen peroxide solution. If you can get good food grade (30%) use it with 1 part 30% peroxide 20 parts water, and flush it. if you have to get the stuff from a pharmacy for medical sues dilute it about 1/3 peroxide 2/3 water. Don't let the water sit in it, flush it through and keep rinsing it out. Should get any disolved soilds that mineralized in the soil.

Also try to not kill it with care ehre. it's seriously shocked, just get it under control and keep the lights on (unelss you think light shock might have been an issue (too much light already)

It looks pretty far gone at the moment, and i think getting it more light could help.
Im not using any kind of soil though im in a bucket. It hasnt left it. Started there from germination. So Get H202 and mix that with water and put it in the bucket for how long? and do that twice?


Active Member
OH duh, then disregard the need to repopulate the bacteria. i would still flush the root system with peroxide. Might wanna ask a hydro grower the ratios for that though, soils my thing.


Active Member
Don't trim anything that is stressed already unless u'r already seing vegetative new growth off it and the old dead leaves are blocking light.

Trimming it would further stress it, and it's going to need alot of light now.

Supporting it up, laying it on a non toxic object to keep the stem fairly straight up and the leaves facing the light will help it recover.

I usually put bulbs i'm not using below big leaves when stuff like that happens. Put some support brace on the stem too, kabob stick or some crap.


Well-Known Member
I use 3ml/gal of h2o2. I wouldn't trim that leave yet, but mist that poor baby until the roots take up. Just like a clone.
Alright. I was just gonna take a kabob stick and tie some string around it and tie it up and help support it to help it out. Like I said it is my first plant and i was still vegging obviously and it was only a month in maybe so It hasnt been in long. I am nervous for whenever I actually get into flowering and all of that because Im going to be so clueless on what to do and when to do it and all of that stuff. But I will support it and try to flush it out and see what happens. BTW can i use just regular peroxide that you would put on a cut?
I use 3ml/gal of h2o2. I wouldn't trim that leave yet, but mist that poor baby until the roots take up. Just like a clone.
I heard misting with mineral water is really good for it should i mist with some mineral water. Cuz it doesnt feel dehydrated or anything. i believe its just in a severe pH shock


Active Member
if you msit it definitely support the leaes, if the weight of the water puts mroe stress on them they may not be able to get the light they need. But if u can support them mist the hell out of them with very clean water, make sure it's more around 6.5-7 rather than a PH you would water with. The higher acidity migth oxide the drying leaves and it would burn them worse.


Active Member
I mean, when shit like that happens at my place i hit it with the uvb heat lamp from about 1 1/2 foot away.

Not sure if you have access to a mercury vapor lamp?

Does wonders as an incubator and helps plants recover greatly with the UV spectrums (not sure why, but it definitely helps me)

Well, and i flush the soil (obv not hydro)
Thanks for tha forums. Def aware its effed up 2xM! lol it was a dumbass careless mistake on my part and it definitely wont ever happen again. If it starts to come back I will keep you guys posted. But for now Im planning on my next growth because Ive almost given up hope on this one