URGENT!! opinions needed


so i left the house early this morning, buddie's gf was still here sleeping.. i had a male plant in the kitchen on the counter about 15ft away from my growroom last night.. when i came home this evening, i realize that the plant is missing. the growroom looked untouched, but the male in the kitchen was gone. dont know if it was there this morning or not, but it was def there when i went to bed. of course, i am worried about cop involvement; i'm not too worried if it is just some random person, but what if it is a popo building a case/trying to get search warrent? should i move em, scrap em? what is your opinions?


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure what your concern is. it's your buddies gf that was still there? are you concerned she's wrokin with cops?


nooo, not at all, i am concerned that someone came into my house and took a plant that was in the kitchen


Active Member
I dont think you should be worried...If cops came in and took the one plant why wouldnt they take the others?? They would have had to have a warrant to come in and take the one male plant anyways


nothing else is out of place, and not worried about the gf, just she was here this morning sleeping till 10, house was unlocked. dont know if the plant was there this morning or not, but isnt now


I dont think you should be worried...If cops came in and took the one plant why wouldnt they take the others?? They would have had to have a warrant to come in and take the one male plant anyways
the others were nowhere near this one and were also on their night cycle, so no lights anywhere around.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got a fucked up friend that pulled some goofy shit,what else can it be,if it was the cop's you'd allready be in a cell,if it was just somebody walking by then saw the plant & decided to walk in your home,there would be other shit missing like electronics.

Your friends girl pulled some shit,bet on it.


u talk to the g/f yet? Did she maybe hear something/somebody?

she heard/saw nothing:cry:, i did hear something last night that sounded like a door closing while i was in bed; after a minute i got up and checked b/c i had a strange feeling about it; nothing was out of the ordinary so i just assumed it to be a rat or something and went back to bed.


Well-Known Member
she heard/saw nothing:cry:, i did hear something last night that sounded like a door closing while i was in bed; after a minute i got up and checked b/c i had a strange feeling about it; nothing was out of the ordinary so i just assumed it to be a rat or something and went back to bed.

because rats open and close doors all the time haha


Sounds like you've got a fucked up friend that pulled some goofy shit,what else can it be,if it was the cop's you'd allready be in a cell,if it was just somebody walking by then saw the plant & decided to walk in your home,there would be other shit missing like electronics.

Your friends girl pulled some shit,bet on it.

these were/are my thoughts too, but the gf is cool, 100% positive it wasnt her, but nothing else is missing; no electronics, not even the alcohol in the kitchen:confused::confused: i am perplexed.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Maybe the rats ate it? lol. It all sounds wierd to me. Maybe someone playing a joke, but the joke is on them cause it is a male, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
shitty dude.. was it near a window or anything where someone could see it? have anyone over who saw it and didnt know it was a male? sketchy pizza guy? sketchy friend?

hope u get to the bottom of it, i would be freaking out too


Maybe the rats ate it? lol. It all sounds wierd to me. Maybe someone playing a joke, but the joke is on them cause it is a male, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

i hope it was just some kid snooping around, then yeah, jokes on them; but i am concerned about some dirty cop trying to get a search warrant:twisted::evil:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It must suck to be paranoid about that, not here in Canada. :mrgreen::peace:

i hope it was just some kid snooping around, then yeah, jokes on them; but i am concerned about some dirty cop trying to get a search warrant:twisted::evil:


shitty dude.. was it near a window or anything where someone could see it? have anyone over who saw it and didnt know it was a male? sketchy pizza guy? sketchy friend?

hope u get to the bottom of it, i would be freaking out too

yes, that one plant possibly could have been seen from a window, but we are in the middle of the woods on like 17 acres, so its not like people just walk around your house regularly... and no, no people (to my knowledge) to be suspicious of, no one over last night. and that was the first time i had a plant out of the growroom at night.