Urgent please help! Life at stake!


Active Member
Ok, so hopefully this isn't as dramatic as it really seems to be to me at this point.
I'm sincerely freaking out. I feel the same way I did when I found out my little girl has type1. A heavy sick feeling in my stomach like I could throw up.
So yesterday before I left for work I checked on my baby and she seemed fine. This morning I wake up and go check on them and this is the travesty I've walked into. It seems like she's dying at a rapid rate, this is my first REAL grow and I'm not sure what to do. She's in her 6 or 7th week of flowering, I've grown her from seed to flower under CFL's, 2 days ago I got my 600W HPS and them all under it. She was doing fine the first day, it didn't seem to be getting very hot with the fan blowing on it. So I decided to move the light down a little more then I originally had it. I believe this is where I've fucked up. All I really want to know, can I save her? I'm growing in a shed that stays rather warm anyways, so maybe I just heat stressed the shit out of her? I have her in a DWC bubbler, with a mix of perlite and gravel as my substrate, I'm using FloraNova Bloom 1 part as my nutes and as I said just recently put her under the 600w hps.


trichlone fiend

New Member
...that's bad bro. Do you have an ec/tds meter, ph meter? What are those temps inside your bucket? ...I've got a bad feeling about this one bro.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so hopefully this isn't as dramatic as it really seems to be to me at this point.
I'm sincerely freaking out. I feel the same way I did when I found out my little girl has type1. A heavy sick feeling in my stomach like I could throw up.
So yesterday before I left for work I checked on my baby and she seemed fine. This morning I wake up and go check on them and this is the travesty I've walked into. It seems like she's dying at a rapid rate, this is my first REAL grow and I'm not sure what to do. She's in her 6 or 7th week of flowering, I've grown her from seed to flower under CFL's, 2 days ago I got my 600W HPS and them all under it. She was doing fine the first day, it didn't seem to be getting very hot with the fan blowing on it. So I decided to move the light down a little more then I originally had it. I believe this is where I've fucked up. All I really want to know, can I save her? I'm growing in a shed that stays rather warm anyways, so maybe I just heat stressed the shit out of her? I have her in a DWC bubbler, with a mix of perlite and gravel as my substrate, I'm using FloraNova Bloom 1 part as my nutes and as I said just recently put her under the 600w hps.
Looks like you fucked up pretty bad, how low did you have the light? exact temps at top of plant??? There's probably not much you can do for her...all her leaves have been fried and she WILL NOT be able to photosynthesize for food...sorry for your loss man...your gonna have to harvest prematurely...



Active Member

She might be done for by the looks of things. I have a 600w HPS as well and that thing puts out alot of heat. I have it vented and circulating in cold air from a A/C over the bulb and it still manages to get up around 85F - 87F. It looks like your lady was fried. You can revive her if it hasn't been to long under the oppressive heat. Go back to your other light source for now until you can get a handle on that 600w HPS. Give her a flush and wait patiently. There isnt much you can do beyond that. Usually they will bounce back but it may be too late for her. Best of luck to you.

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member
Unfortunately I do not have an EC meter, I had intended on getting one when I got my light but unexpected expenses arose and was unable to do so. The temp in the room gets around 88-90 degrees in the hottest point of the day, I know that's not good, as well as do I know 2 circulating fans just don't cut it. Something deep down inside told me to leave that fuckin light where it was, but I totally got greedy and apparently now I'm paying for it with her life. this is certainly disheartening and I realize it totally could have been avoided which makes it all that much worse. :( the buds aren't even really dense enough to smoke I don't think. They have a beautiful smell, but there's hardly anything there. I guess I just gotta chaulk this one up to experience on what NOT to do next time. What a shame. I have tried to do something though, I changed out the water in the bucket, and gave her a real good spray down to try and cool her off, but as all of you have said I feel it's only in vane :(.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
do u think its because you went from cfls to hps? maybe putting off too much light or heat? or getting shocked like indoor plants going outside. 2 days after changing the bulbs seems kind of logical.


Active Member
dude there fuk'd ay, turn ya lights off an save some $$$'s

go spend some coin and grab a thermometer, inline fan, exhaust, ph/ec meter and start again


Active Member
Unfortunately I do not have an EC meter, I had intended on getting one when I got my light but unexpected expenses arose and was unable to do so. The temp in the room gets around 88-90 degrees in the hottest point of the day, I know that's not good, as well as do I know 2 circulating fans just don't cut it. Something deep down inside told me to leave that fuckin light where it was, but I totally got greedy and apparently now I'm paying for it with her life. this is certainly disheartening and I realize it totally could have been avoided which makes it all that much worse. :( the buds aren't even really dense enough to smoke I don't think. They have a beautiful smell, but there's hardly anything there. I guess I just gotta chaulk this one up to experience on what NOT to do next time. What a shame. I have tried to do something though, I changed out the water in the bucket, and gave her a real good spray down to try and cool her off, but as all of you have said I feel it's only in vane :(.
and gave her a real good spray down to try and cool her off, but as all of you have said I feel it's only in vane :sad:. >>>>>never spray your plants while your lights are on, only just befor they go off if you choose to folia feed, and also turn the fans off whilst spraying


Well-Known Member
and gave her a real good spray down to try and cool her off, but as all of you have said I feel it's only in vane :sad:. >>>>>never spray your plants while your lights are on, only just befor they go off if you choose to folia feed, and also turn the fans off whilst spraying
That will just induce mold(especially in flower), he would just be creating a prefect environment for mold! Wet, dark, and warm, with no air movement! No offense, but this is some of the worst advice I've heard on here...



Active Member
and gave her a real good spray down to try and cool her off, but as all of you have said I feel it's only in vane :sad:. >>>>>never spray your plants while your lights are on, only just befor they go off if you choose to folia feed, and also turn the fans off whilst spraying

thanks man, I don't normally foliar feed, i panicked and it seemed like the first logical thing to do to try and cool her off. I knew as soon as I saw her like that it was over, should of done a little bit more research in those areas. Try again another day, and learn what not to do the next time. Just really a shitty way to learn an important lesson :hump:


Well-Known Member
That will just induce mold(especially in flower), he would just be creating a prefect environment for mold! Wet, dark, and warm, with no air movement! No offense, but this is some of the worst advice I've heard on here...

yeah that is bad advice...spray it when the lights first come on...the pores of the leaves are only open during the first couple hours after its dark period.its pointless to spray it when the lights go off,the leaves wont take in any water ot nutes...and like he said...bud rots gonna happen if its warm and dark


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt give up just yet...mj is a very durable plant...i would take the lamp out and put the cfl's back in and see what happens...i wouldnt chop it just yet...send them ladies some good vibes and see what happens.maybe it went into extreme shock from switching the lights up


Well-Known Member
Its hard to belive a plant would have such a fast demise just from heat ... Overnight ?

Another thing ... you say " Her " ... "she" ...It .... As in .. one plant ... I see many ?

Something not right here :)