**URGENT** Problem With My NEEDED Medical Plant

Hey, I suffer from maigraines, and I am growing 2 female AK-47 Plants, LEGALY. I am getting the tips of the bottom leaves going slightly yellow, and I don't know what to do. They are growing in Ontario, in 9 Gallon pots using a blend of professional potting mix and nutrient rich soil. This just started happening, and the plants are both 36 days old, 18 inches tall with 6 nodes high. Please help as I don't want to kill them! Thanks, and any help will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
8 hours? That's it? Or are you lugging 9 gal pots in and out of the house? Cuz at 8 hours those babies are going to start budding if they haven't already and plants that size are not going to yield very much. Just my opinion.


Active Member
if it's only at the tips, i wouldn't stress at all
in fact, i wish every plant i had constantly had burnt tips
if it's just the tips, you are right on the edge of your overfeeding point for that plant
yes, it's prolly burn, but it's not bad
liken it to gorging yourself to the point that you doze off in your lazyboy rather than mow the yard, wake up with some heqartburn and a sore neck and go to bed to wake the next morning feeling GREAT.
DON'T add nutes
DON'T overwater your plants - you said nutrient rich soil, so your plants get food every time you add water - make them work for it over the next 3-5 days
make sure your soil is good and dry (not parched or cracked) before you water the next couple of times - the air will be good for the roots anyway.
good luck man.


Well-Known Member
I think he was concerned it might start flowering before you want it to but I have a feeling you already knew that and you know what you're doing;)
ya, i know that the 12/12 mark it starts to flower, but I make sure that they stay out at least 14 hrs/day. tell me how this sounds:

6:00AM - put outside until 9:00 PM
9:00PM - put inside under fan until 6:00 AM with dim to no light. pelase let me know, and also this will only be in veg, not flowering. thx


Active Member
to my understanding, 6 hours is the maximum SUGGESTED darkness for vegging plants, but i've never experimented, sooooo
beyond that - even if you did get your plant flowering accidentally you still get a weekanahalf to 3 weeks of stretch anyway which is far more efficient than vegging fora month to me


Well-Known Member
ya, i know that the 12/12 mark it starts to flower, but I make sure that they stay out at least 14 hrs/day. tell me how this sounds:

6:00AM - put outside until 9:00 PM
9:00PM - put inside under fan until 6:00 AM with dim to no light. pelase let me know, and also this will only be in veg, not flowering. thx
That works...but what the dude up there^^^said also works. All depends on your needs and expectations