URGENT This Tuesday, 4:30 PM Tacoma City Hall


Active Member
If you live in Washington, this is a very important and timely issue.
Please read the message below from Ezra Eickmeyer, our Sensible Washington campaign coordinator.
Thank you!

Katie Morse
Seattle Hempfest
Staff Director

This weekend, a legal shot was fired at the heart of emerging medical marijuana cooperatives. Friday, Tacoma cooperatives were issued letters ordering them to cease dispensing marijuana by October 24 or face fines and criminal charges! If this goes unchallenged, Tacoma medical patients will be forced back to the black market to get their medicine and years of progress will be lost. We need your help quickly!

We’re calling on everyone, and we mean “EVERYONE”, to gather your friends and family and come join us for a “fight for our rights” protest at the next Tacoma City Hall meeting on Tuesday at 4:30 PM.
We need hundreds of people to come and say NO to the City of Tacoma. We will show up with as many people as possible to let the city know that it’s immoral and dangerous to the health of Tacoma patients to close down cooperative storefronts.

Please forward this email far and wide and help us recruit “everyone” to show up Tuesday night at 4:30. Can we circle the building with peaceful protesters? - Only if you get on your email and get on your phone and start recruiting.
Tacoma patients really need your urgent help.
If this move by the city stands, other cities across the state may take similar actions. We have to effectively fight this right here and now.
Tacoma’s order to cooperatives is a threat to the medical marijuana community statewide.

Thank you all for your great work and we’ll see you Tuesday in Tacoma.

In solidarity,

Ezra Eickmeyer
Interim Campaign Coordinator
Sensible Washington

What: Peaceful protest at Tacoma City Hall
When: Tuesday, October 19,4:30– 7:00 PM
Where: Tacoma City Hall, 747 Market Street, Tacoma

Feel free to call our central phone line at: 206-774-0725
-or- email: legalizeit@sensiblewashington.org

With questions, or to let us know you are coming and how many people you are bringing.

loaded dervish

Active Member
You will just get it off the streets like me. i understand that you are medical users but 40% of the people do not have real problems just made up. Why should only people who take time from doc to fake a problem to get a card be rewarded i want it to be leagal for all if i want to walk in and buy some weed i should be able 2. I do not want to go to some random person who sells everything i dont want to deal with tweekers to get my weed. i should not be forced to come into contact with pcp black tar heroin why geting my weed. sents when has a plant hurt anyone how many people do you know of have died from weed compaired to alchol or cigs. The goverment has there prioritys wrong!


Well-Known Member
How can you argue for those dispensaries when dispensaries are illegal/not allowed under the law in this state? I am pretty sure they had to have broken state law or bended the rules and run around in the grey area of the law.


Well-Known Member
because thye are co operatives. THeir is nothing prohibiting a co-op. It is a fin line between a co op and a dispensary .However, the local government currently recognizes that line. THe current laws are ambiguouse and they imply that some type of transfer of medication and recipt of monetary compensation for the cost of the production of the medication is authorized. THe police have the same level of authority to close a co op as a co op has to exist.