Urgent: Two of my plants are dead!!

please help me.. im absoulutely devasted. I planted 9 clones last week up in the bush behind my house, the soil is very good... one died, i knew it would because it barely had any leaves.. but i went up there to check on the remaining 8 today.
TWO ARE DEAD.. honestly it looks like they got pulled up, and something ripped and shredded the leaves because there were parts of them all around. im so fucking pissed off i feel like drinking a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

i have no idea how this could have happend, they looked ok last night and today, they are shredded. i seen a slug close by but.. the leaves were pulled apart!!
what happend! and how do i protect the rest of them? PLEASE HELP:joint:


Well-Known Member
Im sorry to hear this, small plants seem to get attacked like this, or at leasnt cant handle an attack like a larger plant. Next time id build em a little more before placing outside. If you suspect slugs, ive heard placing an open can of beer attracts em and they crawl in and die, I think ive heard of this anyways, im more indoor based so I havent had this, but this year im doing an outdoor so we will see.


Active Member
Hi, you saying they were clones. Did they have roots yet? Are they getting enough sun?

You wont have too much control of what goes on outside of the walls of your house/grow area. Do you think the damage was caused by a human or an animal?
well its not by humans.. im the only one who knows where they are.
im gunna spray on some garlic pepper solution to keep the bugs off.. i swear to god if one more dies, im going athiest.

toker 10

Active Member
sorry to hear about your misfortune mate but the whole
i swear to god if one more dies, im going athiest.
made me laugh my ass off
it sounds like you have a rodent problem buddy, try putting a little fence around it and put put the fence into the ground a few inches incase they get extra determined to get a snake and the beer cans do work try puting 4 beer cans around your area so then the woulnt make a pit stop at the plants
good luck bro
well i just sprayed some pepper and garlic on.. its weird. the 2 smallest plants were killled... and it doesn't even look like they were eaten, there leaves were spread around as if they got cut up by a wood chipper.

looks like ill have to protect my little girls with a good ol pellet gun.


Well-Known Member
Could be deer or animals fucking with them. Putting human hair aroudn the plants but the smell of people in the air and will keep deer away.


Well-Known Member
i had problems with mice when i first started growing, they were eating my leafs, had to relocate it! it could be mice getting high on ur leafs! put sum thin chicken wire round them!


New Member
just get urself some chicken wire and place that around ur babies, also open a fiew cans of beer put them on their side open and those slugs will crawl in and get so pissed they wont be able to get out lol, just remember to leave some beer in the cans hahahaha, try that ok man.
ok im gunna put some of my dog's hair near my plants tomorrow.. and ill pee in a bowl and put it next to it to haha...
ill try the beer can thing next time i have some
thx everyone