Urine test next month - 18th of July

Do you think my urine sample will be clear of THC metabolites by the 18th of next month?

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At the start of the year I stopped smoking for around 3 months. But then I started smoking once or twice a week and it would only be about 2-3 small bong hits each time but this has been for about 2-3 months. Around the 3rd month though I started smoking maybe 3-4 times a week and it would be about 4-5 small bong hits each time. Do you think if I stopped smoking from about 3 days ago and didn't smoke for the rest of the time until my drugs test that I'd be clean???
the thc adheres to fat cells, you gonna burn ALL of them? also, the urine test doesn't test for thc, it test metabolites, or the products of thc breakdown. so what do you think. it takes 30-45 days to piss clean.
Shit... Even if I started going to the sauna for an hour or 2 and then go swimming for an hour or two as well, I'd plan on doing this 2-3 times a week. And also if I started drinking 2 litres of water a day?
Also I've thought about trying to use some sort of detox drink, not one of them knock-off ones that claim to work but a detox drink which has a lot of positive reviews and actually seems legit?
I don't want to seem paranoid or anything it's just that this is for an apprenticeship that would kinda set me up for my life ahead of and I wouldn't wanna pass up this opportunity. I suppose I only really have myself to blame but I just wanted to know if I put the effort to detox myself from today that I'd have a chance of passing?
i get drug tested monthly, sometimes more often..occasionally hair.
working with an array of drugs my tests go alot deeper than yours will (pharmacist)
lets try to look at this from a logical or scientific perspective.

thc has an initial half life of about 4hrs...as low as 2, as high as 6 depending on yiur body and lifestyle, in normal healthy people ie no issues metabolizing........ and a terminal half life about 30hrs. this is due to the high logp of the drug aiding in absorption to fatty tissue. and why heavy daily users can have a harder timecleansing. heavy is something like a 1/8-1/4 of bud a day to yourself , not just smoking daily but attempting to stay saturated...

"an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days,
it may only be detectable insaliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.
Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 12-24 hours, with heavy/frequent use detectable in the blood for up to 7 days (its on and off as they hover along the cut off)"

jacked from a relatively unbiased drug detection discussion/site

as you can see, the curve starts to build with heavy users, but the quick half life is apparent....

, if little is stored in the body keeping you hovering along the cut off it leaves relatively soon

now if you smoked half a gram with an avg of 20% thc of dank bud as the last time you smoked
(.1 grams of thc)
with a bioavailability of about 20% through smoking .. only .02 grams of thc entered your body.
..note this is not including a prior smoke session...
the test has a cut off at, .00000005 grams per ml.
not total in your body.
this means that after *24hrs having an avg metabolism and average hydration you could pass.
i dont feel like doing math, but total in your body would be less than the cutoff after *48hrs having an avg metabolism!. your piss, which again is not total but concentration per ml, will be clean after *24

its the terminal half life that becomes a problem. and really what these supplements aid. unless truly a single smome session and none prior

in my line of work, i get drug tested often.
i documented a drug test on riu for personal reasons where i
smoked half a gram ~40hrs before testing and passed,
here i actually did some relatively extensive calculation... i smoke a few times daily...currently a light-medium user. a few times a day totaling 1-2 grams normally. i couldve gone alot sooner but i figure best to be cautious. im sure my calculations have been wrong before...i just cant remember such a time :D

* note that these are rough andgenerous estimations, more for info

exercise and stay hydrated to flush. night before and morning eat a big meal. still stay hydrated.

good to go

Feb 5, 2016
Okay I just wanted some peace of mind so I'm not worrying so much for this next month. I have other drug habits but smoking weed is one of the drugs which take the longest to clear. I was just unsure what sort of category to put myself in e.g. An occasional user or a regular user. Thanks for the input though everyone it's really helped!
lets try to look at this from a logical or scientific perspective.

thc has an initial half life of about 4hrs...as low as 2, as high as 6 depending on yiur body and lifestyle, in normal healthy people ie no issues metabolizing........ and a terminal half life about 30hrs. this is due to the high logp of the drug aiding in absorption to fatty tissue. and why heavy daily users can have a harder timecleansing. heavy is something like a 1/8-1/4 of bud a day to yourself , not just smoking daily but attempting to stay saturated...

"an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days,
it may only be detectable insaliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.
Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 12-24 hours, with heavy/frequent use detectable in the blood for up to 7 days (its on and off as they hover along the cut off)"

jacked from a relatively unbiased drug detection discussion/site

as you can see, the curve starts to build with heavy users, but the quick half life is apparent....

, if little is stored in the body keeping you hovering along the cut off it leaves relatively soon

now if you smoked half a gram with an avg of 20% thc of dank bud as the last time you smoked
(.1 grams of thc)
with a bioavailability of about 20% through smoking .. only .02 grams of thc entered your body.
..note this is not including a prior smoke session...
the test has a cut off at, .00000005 grams per ml.
not total in your body.
this means that after *24hrs having an avg metabolism and average hydration you could pass.
i dont feel like doing math, but total in your body would be less than the cutoff after *48hrs having an avg metabolism!. your piss, which again is not total but concentration per ml, will be clean after *24

its the terminal half life that becomes a problem. and really what these supplements aid. unless truly a single smome session and none prior

in my line of work, i get drug tested often.
i documented a drug test on riu for personal reasons where i
smoked half a gram ~40hrs before testing and passed,
here i actually did some relatively extensive calculation... i smoke a few times daily...currently a light-medium user. a few times a day totaling 1-2 grams normally. i couldve gone alot sooner but i figure best to be cautious. im sure my calculations have been wrong before...i just cant remember such a time :D

* note that these are rough andgenerous estimations, more for info

exercise and stay hydrated to flush. night before and morning eat a big meal. still stay hydrated.

good to go

Feb 5, 2016
Thanks for that, that's really put my mind at ease. And for the record I'm about 6ft and I weigh around 54kg (I know I'm very underweight) and my metabolism's very quick also.