Urine test tomorrow. Will Quick Fix work? Guess we'll see


New Member
funny how people pass that shit easily. and i hope i pass it too. if only they knew that im a everyday 5-8 times smoker with 6, 6-8 foot plants hanging drying at home. lmao


New Member
So after researching methods to beat my pre-employment test i decided on QuickFix.
Or should i just use my wifes pee? shes 8 weeks pregnant tho, doesn't smoke obviously.
Already bought the QuickFix so ill post back to let ya'll know if it will work.
did it work?


New Member
oh yeah you passed. what an adrenaline rush it is eh?

that strip tells them instantly, in a lot of cases that sample they send away just gets stored in case they ever need to do any more serious, in depth testing. sometimes they do test it deeper though but thats very expensive. a piss test costs 200-300$

was it your first time?

only part that sketches me out is putting the bottle back in your pocket...youre crazy. keep it in your boxers (buy 5 year olds boxers, weird as fuck but theyre very very tight) or even in your sock would have been a better option for the future.

usually they make you lift your shirt, pang legs, and pat your own crotch before the piss test though FYI.

finger in the piss to swirl is nothing to be ashamed of, you gotta do what you gotta do. my first time I did it with a friend, he showed me how. we prepped in the back alley and I grabbed a tiny piece of wire I found to break the piss condom, yes a condom full of piss stuffed into xxxs underwear. weird. anyways, he didnt want a pin, he used his toothpick. sure as shit it broke and he had to bite through a warm piss condom with his cousins piss. haha. we both passed though even though it was above 100F!!!!!


New Member
oh yeah you passed. what an adrenaline rush it is eh?

that strip tells them instantly, in a lot of cases that sample they send away just gets stored in case they ever need to do any more serious, in depth testing. sometimes they do test it deeper though but thats very expensive. a piss test costs 200-300$

was it your first time?

only part that sketches me out is putting the bottle back in your pocket...youre crazy. keep it in your boxers (buy 5 year olds boxers, weird as fuck but theyre very very tight) or even in your sock would have been a better option for the future.

usually they make you lift your shirt, pang legs, and pat your own crotch before the piss test though FYI.

finger in the piss to swirl is nothing to be ashamed of, you gotta do what you gotta do. my first time I did it with a friend, he showed me how. we prepped in the back alley and I grabbed a tiny piece of wire I found to break the piss condom, yes a condom full of piss stuffed into xxxs underwear. weird. anyways, he didnt want a pin, he used his toothpick. sure as shit it broke and he had to bite through a warm piss condom with his cousins piss. haha. we both passed though even though it was above 100F!!!!!
this was my third time. first time i used my brothers piss when i was 18, i didnt smoke for 5 years from beginning of 08 to the beginning of 13. 2 years at CDCR and then 3 years of parole tests i didnt smoke. there was one i did last year, i was clean. this one is for a higher position then i work at now, to operate heavy machinery. so was stressed on passing since i started smoking again when testing the crop i grew, so was back to chronic thc intake. lol. but so far it looks like i did.
the putting the bottle back was actually very smart because then i had all my stuff back in my pockets, and i came with full pockets for that purpose, because the botttle would of been in my boxer briefs that i still had on after they wanted me to take everything off for physical but my boxers. after i emptied the fake piss in their cup i put it back in my boxers. i put it in my pocket when i needed to undress for physical. i ripped the stitches that i made to make a pocket then too. like i said i researched this shit first. lmao.
if dont get a call by monday to not come out, because i already got my start date and all the paperwork done.


New Member
did it work?
so far looks like yes as long as that other sample they had me sigh and they sealed doesn't go to a lab that would actually test if its a real human piss or a synthetic one. the on the spot cheap looking supermarket tests they used showed me as good.


New Member
oh yeah you passed. what an adrenaline rush it is eh?

that strip tells them instantly, in a lot of cases that sample they send away just gets stored in case they ever need to do any more serious, in depth testing. sometimes they do test it deeper though but thats very expensive. a piss test costs 200-300$

was it your first time?

only part that sketches me out is putting the bottle back in your pocket...youre crazy. keep it in your boxers (buy 5 year olds boxers, weird as fuck but theyre very very tight) or even in your sock would have been a better option for the future.

usually they make you lift your shirt, pang legs, and pat your own crotch before the piss test though FYI.

finger in the piss to swirl is nothing to be ashamed of, you gotta do what you gotta do. my first time I did it with a friend, he showed me how. we prepped in the back alley and I grabbed a tiny piece of wire I found to break the piss condom, yes a condom full of piss stuffed into xxxs underwear. weird. anyways, he didnt want a pin, he used his toothpick. sure as shit it broke and he had to bite through a warm piss condom with his cousins piss. haha. we both passed though even though it was above 100F!!!!!
Actually i passed a probation test at 19 years old by putting 5 drops of bleach into a gallon of water and drinking it right before the test so that ill be pissing bleached piss. idk, but they never violated me or anything so i think it worked that time, my friend told me to do it. but now it seems like a very stupid idea, because shit made me itch all over for a good 5 hours. lmao.


New Member
haha thats crazy. a lot of shit has changed in the last 5-10 years. places are getting smarter and smarter every day!!

ive heard of some people going as far as to insert a catheter and fill their bladder up with clean piss. I dont know what would possess someone to do that rather than just quit doing drugs.


Well-Known Member
I know this, for years we had to piss at Concentra (hope I spelled it right) ...they did all the union jobs testing, and workers comp injuries. If you had at least a 24 hour notice, 48 is ideal, you could use
a 'ready clean ' drink, FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS! and it gave me a 6 hour window of clean urine. No bags, no dildo full of someone elses piss. My dirty ass weed soaked piss would be clean for thosre hours.


Well-Known Member
I did this fir about 6 years, at least twice a year. You drink a fuck ton of water while eating right. Thr morning of, eat light, drink water cotinuosly (directions on package) and keep pissing. You'll be pissing clear, but then you drink the ready clean. Keep drinking and pissing, go to test. You have 6 hours now of yellow, clean, call ph'd and reading good piss. NOT DILUTED. ....that shit puts all the Bs back in that the water flushes out. But only fir that time frame. Then the thc levels shoot back suposed. Ask me, I can truly say I've been there.

banks dank

Active Member
I know this, for years we had to piss at Concentra (hope I spelled it right) ...they did all the union jobs testing, and workers comp injuries. If you had at least a 24 hour notice, 48 is ideal, you could use
a 'ready clean ' drink, FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS! and it gave me a 6 hour window of clean urine. No bags, no dildo full of someone elses piss. My dirty ass weed soaked piss would be clean for thosre hours.
lmao concentra...

Dude ive taken 3 or 4 piss test there in the past 2 years for pre employment screeening...At the concentra i went to
they dont even pat u down or watch u piss...they ask u to remove everything from pockets go in the bathroom piss
in the bottle and make sure u dont piss all over place. I fill up a vitamin bottle full of my friends clean piss male or female i
have used both then put the bottle in a tube sock with 2 hand warmers on both sides... always works always... Hell
ive even readjusted my nutsack pill bottle carrier in the receptionist and just acted like my dicked itch no one
gave a fuck...
The drug test places dont give a shit what u do its the employers who care...