US election: If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain

Big P

Well-Known Member
US election: If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain

Oct 30 01:02 PM US/Eastern
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Iraqi men watch a repeat of the final US presidential debate...

U.S. Hands Southern Baghdad Province Over To Iraqis

For five years Ali and Mohammed have lived alongside US soldiers in their Baghdad neighbourhood near Rasheed Street, a prominent commercial artery running through the heart of the Iraqi capital.

During that time American culture and politics have become familiar to them, and they say that if they could, they would vote for Republican candidate John McCain in next week's US presidential election.
"McCain would be best for Iraq because he would ensure stability," said
Ali, 66, an expert on the Sumerian era.

The personal qualities and political platforms of McCain and his Democrat rival Barack Obama are of little import to Ali, however. His focus is on Iraq and its neighbours such as Iran.

"The Iranians believe that if Obama is elected he will not take action against them despite their nuclear ambitions. That worries me," said Ali, sitting on an old bench in Al-Zahawi coffee shop.

"If the Iranians get the bomb they will become the Tarzan of the region," said the former teacher and lecturer at the University of Baghdad, referring to the vine-swinging strongman of the jungle in old Hollywood movies.

Mohammed, also a professor at the university, said he too preferred McCain "because Obama supports a rapid withdrawal of US troops."
"Our army is still too weak and Turkey and Iran are threats. Iran's President (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad has warned Iran would fill the void left when US troops depart," he said.

Rasheed Street with its 1920s-style buildings is still closed to vehicles, and groups of anti-Al-Qaeda fighters guard the stretch that runs north to south.

The street was the scene of major attacks by insurgents after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003 to US-led invading forces. But even before that many business establishments had begun to move away from the thoroughfare.

Today, a few hundred metres (yards) from Al-Zahawi coffee shop, is the famous Al-Mutnabi books market, the only place where Baghdadis can find English books and magazines.

Booksellers display a range of computer publications, periodicals, works of fiction and school textbooks on wooden shelves.

Barack Obama's image peers out between two editions of "Vanity Fair" magazine kept next to the memoirs of former US president Bill Clinton.
But "The Audacity of Hope," one of Obama's books, has yet to find a buyer.

"I have no customer for this book. Iraqis are interested in the campaign, but they prefer to read texts translated into Arabic," said bookseller Shallan Zaidan.

Such Arabic versions, translated and published by Lebanese companies, include "My Year in Iraq" by Paul Bremer, the former US administrator of Iraq, and "Bush at War" by renowned investigative journalist Bob Woodward.

But there are no translations of books on the two candidates bidding to enter the White House.

Iraqis prefer instead to rely on the latest issues of weekly news publications such as Time and Newsweek, said government official Whamith Shadhan, who was browsing through second-hand books and magazines.

"I trust the Republicans more. They're more capable of establishing democracy in the world, especially in Arab countries," said the 33-year-old. "Obama is far too left." :bigjoint:

Since the invasion more than five years ago, the Mutanabi market has been twice hit by bombs. The area is predominantly Sunni, and judging by some graffiti on the walls Al-Qaeda is never far away.

"The insurgents aren't bothered by political books sold on the street. They focus on religious ones," said Yasser Ali, an Obama supporter and seller of books for 22 years.

Obama "interrupted his campaign to visit his sick grandmother. That speaks volumes about the man," he said.
Back on Rasheed Street itself, Abu Ahmed waited at a men's hairdresser as his friend got a shave.

"We accept black people more readily in the Middle East. We feel closer to them. We have common sufferings," said the long-time sports coach. "It would be nice if the Americans elected a black person. And Obama seems less inclined to engage in another war."

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Correction: if those three Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain.

If every country in the world could vote, Obama would win by a landslide. Africa, Indonesia, Europe, and the Middle East love him.


Well-Known Member
the iraqi have enough problems running there own government and keeping it a soveriegn state.. Im not sure why you would post this thread seeing how both want to remove our troops from iraq as soon as there govt. can stand on its own with out being pussies and if they want a republican president they should elect one in there own country.... arent they trying to be a democracy anyway?

Big P

Well-Known Member
George W. Bush was Al Qaeda's biggest recruiting tool (in all sense of the word). This endorsement shows that they're hoping that John McCain will carry on the good work.

my lord i hope u guys arnt that gulible

apearently Al Queda thinks so

it is well documented that when osama bin laden put out a tape 7 days before the 2004 election it was to scare the people into voting for kerry

here are his words prepared for that day:

Friday, October 29, 2004 Posted: 10:05 PM EDT

"Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Any nation that does not attack us will not be attacked."

everybody knows Bush was attacking them all anywhere he could so this was a nudge from Osama to try to sway the election into kerry's favor just like they did succefully in Spain, but that time they did it by killing 200 people

However Osama miscalculated, he doesnt know the American people, and his little bitch message 7 days before the election ended up losing the presidential election for John F Kerry because America wanted to kill that pig and he was still in thier minds when they voted 7 days later.

Al queda well aware of this now, today in 2008 is trying a little reverse phsycology on you guys and apearently it seems to be working.

im surprised your are so quick to take them at thier word.


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
The Al Queida endorsement of McCain was retrieved from a password protected part of their site but someone hacked it. They didn't come out with a message like they did in 2004. Speaking of 2004, the CIA released a report in 2006 stating that they believed that Osama was trying to tilt the election in Bush's favor by releasing that message. Bush was the one to gain from that tape, not Kerry. Osama bin Laden isn't stupid, but the Americans who voted for Bush because of that tape are another story...

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Thanks! By the way I always kind of wondered where are these Al Queida message boards? Is it at like My guess is that even if I knew what the site was, it'd be in arabic and I wouldn't understand it, but if we knew their sites then maybe people could go there and post gay porn or something to piss them off. Just a thought. :)


Well-Known Member
Correction: if those three Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain.

If every country in the world could vote, Obama would win by a landslide. Africa, Indonesia, Europe, and the Middle East love him.
but can u find 3 loony tunes 2 vote that way in a swing state

Big P

Well-Known Member
The Al Queida endorsement of McCain was retrieved from a password protected part of their site but someone hacked it. They didn't come out with a message like they did in 2004. Speaking of 2004, the CIA released a report in 2006 stating that they believed that Osama was trying to tilt the election in Bush's favor by releasing that message. Bush was the one to gain from that tape, not Kerry. Osama bin Laden isn't stupid, but the Americans who voted for Bush because of that tape are another story...

sorry doc but your simply wrong about that and I am right. They want a democrat who wants to pull of of Iraq.

lets not be silly now.

that website is widly known to be monitored and any posts on there become international news, password or not, everyone including the terrorist knows that

Qaeda wants Republicans, Bush "humiliated": Web video

Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:15pm EDT

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DUBAI (Reuters) - An al Qaeda leader has called for President George W. Bush and the Republicans to be "humiliated," without endorsing a party in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, according to an Internet video posting.

"O God, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him," Abu Yahya al-Libi said at the end of sermon marking the Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, in a video posted on the Internet.
Libi, a top al Qaeda commander believed to be living in Afghanistan or Pakistan, called for God's wrath to be brought against Bush equating him with past tyrants in history.

The remarks were the first from a leading al Qaeda figure referring, albeit indirectly, to the U.S. elections. Muslim clerics often end sermons by calling on God to guide and support Muslims and help defeat their enemies.
Terrorism monitor SITE Intelligence Group said in a report on Wednesday that militants on al Qaeda-linked websites have for months been debating the significance of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama or Republican John McCain.

Some posters have also argued over the merits of trying to attack the United States before the election or waiting until later, the report said.
But SITE said it did not expect al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden or deputy Ayman al-Zawahri to openly favor a candidate.

"To support a particular candidate would debase al-Qaeda's long-standing argument that the United States government is a corrupt institution no matter who is at the helm," SITE director Rita Katz said in the group's November newsletter.

In 2004 bin Laden issued his first video in more than a year just days before the U.S. elections. It derided Bush and warned of possible new September 11-style attacks.

Bin Laden made little mention of Bush's Democratic challenger, John Kerry, telling Americans: "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands and each state which does not harm our security will remain safe."
Kerry has attributed his loss in part to the video's high-profile reminder of the terrorism issue.

In 2006, after Democrats captured Congress, Zawahri issued an audio message saying all Americans remained al Qaeda's enemies regardless of party, SITE said.

SITE said militant postings on al Qaeda-linked websites typically discuss Obama in terms of his race, or his religion and foreign policy. Some forecast a racial crisis dividing the United States if he wins. Others say his planned phased withdrawal from Iraq would be a boon to al Qaeda's affiliate and give it a base for Middle East expansion.
Republican presidential nominee John McCain has been portrayed as likely to allow "the continuation of Republican control and aggressive policies toward the Islamic world."

(Additional reporting by Randall Mikkelsen in Washington; editing by Chris Wilson)

© Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved

Big P

Well-Known Member

Exclusive: U.S. Expects Bin Laden Message Near Election

Analysts: OBL Could Speak Out in an Effort to Prove His Relevance


Oct. 30, 2008—

Multiple senior government officials tell ABC News the intelligence community is anticipating a message from Osama bin Laden before or just after the presidential election.
As we race toward Election Day, sources say a number of intelligence analysts have concluded it is critical for al Qaeda's top leader to be seen or heard, if only for public relations purposes. Those analysts believe that if bin Laden is not heard from, he runs the risk of being considered irrelevant or impotent. The U.S. intelligence community has some indication that there is some confusion among Islamic radicals about their leadership.
According to sources, the full weight of the intelligence electronic eavesdropping and human sourcing is right now desperately looking for any hint of a bin Laden statement. So far there is only rumor, no hard evidence a message is coming, officials said.
Interestingly, the U.S. government may be the reason why bin Laden could have some problems getting a message out, officials suggested to ABC News.

The United States is engaged in an intensive effort to disrupt the use of the Internet by Islamic radicals. Message boards and Web sites have been targeted. Some officials believe that if bin Laden is not heard from, some will conclude he may be dead.

Another source cautioned against such speculation, suggesting that bin Laden is most concerned about his own safety at the moment, and might increasingly fear for his life.

The sources tell ABC News the U.S. government is quietly engaged in a high-tempo moment attacking al Qaeda and Taliban leaders in the tribal regions of Pakistan, where U.S. officials fear the terrorists have found a safe haven from which to stage plots against Afghanistan, Pakistan and throughout the world, including the West.

A review of published reports about drone attacks in the tribal region suggests the United States may have more than tripled the number this year, compared to 2007, especially in recent months. One official tells ABC News, "We have killed a lot of senior leaders. They [radicals] are having a really bad month."

Another source agreed, noting that in recent weeks the No. 4 ranking leader in all of al Qaeda had been killed in a drone attack. The source said the hit, which was reported in The New York Times, was a huge deal and was surprised it had not gotten more play. The game plan is simple, the officials said. Keep al Qaeda off balance and scrambling.

There had been growing fears, not based on any specific intelligence, that al Qaeda has been likely plotting to attack the United States before the election, or during the transition to a new presidency. Homeland security officials are calling it a Period of Heightened Alert, or POHA, which ABC News first reported in last summer.

Sources confirm that there is an intensive effort all across the U.S. government to play offense. As of now, there is still no specific, credible evidence pointing to an imminent attack on the U.S. homeland. But that's clearly not stopping the government from being incredibly active at what it sees as a critical moment.

In 2004, bin Laden released a message in the days just before the election. Though some believe that the message affected the outcome in favor of President Bush, exit poll data do not support that notion. Among voters who called the tape "very important" in their vote, Kerry won, 53-47 percent. Among those who called it either very or somewhat important, the vote was 50-50. It was among those who called it unimportant that Bush won, by 56-43 percent.

ABC News' Gary Langer contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures


Active Member
I agree, get mccain and palin out of here. And any other jackass that thinks they can take me as a fool. The minute we STOP focusing on the middle east and START focusing on America is the day we will be okay. Until then....Lock and Load ladies and gentlemen.

BigP -- I may be a little off here and please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though you just don't want a black man as president. That's an assumption so I'm probably making an ass of myself, but let me just say this. Race makes no difference. You have ignorant whites (Palin, Cheney, Bush) ignorant blacks (most of the hip hop industry --gave you a lot on that one) ignorant mexicans (the ones who cross the border illegally) ignorant asians (the ones that crash into your car when you're two lanes over) ignorant everybody, BUT, you have your educated and respected of all races as well. My best friend and brother in this world is a black dude. I guarantee if you have a race war with him and the other black dudes that saved my ass on the Teams you stand no chance, same goes for the whites, mexicans and phillipinos I had the honor of serving with. I hate when race becomes a factor. We're people. Human beings. If you're so against obama use proof to prove a point. Back it up with documents, and once you have those do the same search on mccain with the same issues, compare the two and see how different they really are. Once you see that it's not the President that has anything to do with anything you'll be onto seeing the truth. And don't believe all videos you've seen of bin laden. If you don't think the military and government haven't mastered the art of editing, duplication and production you are sadly mistaken. Hollywood makes beautiful special effects for less than 100M. How much more do you think is allocated to particular groups that are black ops. Right now the internet as you know is a few layers up from the one we use in the military. Please for your own good, start going into the rabbit hole. Learn about weather modification and how the military uses that in war. Learn about monsanto, edward bernays, and ruppert murdoch. You have to know these things Big P. Seriously. Get your knowledge now before it gets taken away from you. I hate to leave people in the dark and move on. I love to educate and cause a spark of interest. That's the only way you can break free. Once you're unplugged you'll start noticing symbolism everywhere and how that related to the egyptians. Just look on a dollar bill right now in the upper left hand corner to find the little owl. Go down to Elbert County in Georgia and look at the guidestones. Dude, there' so much out there to be discovered and free yourself from all the madness and brainwashing. I'm here to help my friend. And again, I apologize if my assumption was wrong about obama. I just don't see how anybody with common sense can vote for mccain and avon lady. At least obama fools into believing what he says and what he'll do. Until you realize he was molded from a very young age. What mccain says about obama is really a bunch of lies if you look at what the man has done. obama has literally changed things across the board when he first stepped into congress, let alone graduate at the top of his class at one of the most prestigious schools in the country. This caught the attention of bresinski. Once you've got that man's attention your future is made. You're part of the Gambinos. obama has been molded by the elites for years. Buffet, rothschild, bresinski, rockefellers, warburgs. mccain doesn't stand a chance even if he sold his family to the highest bidder. Oh, and just so you know, look at who his wife is and then research who her dad is. Nough said.

So you see there is no dem. or rep. That shit doesn't exist. It just divides the people. How do you win a chess game with no pieces ever taken. When in history have opposites never existed together in harmony. That's all that that is. You get one side of people to think one way, you get the other side to think the other way. This way you never get overthrown. It's all throughout history, brother. You can even read about it in romeo and juliet. Americans are against communism, mccain has tried to say socialism is bad -- but.. he made a huge mistake because that what america is anyway. But we're so dumbed down that they can pull that shit right in front of us. That insulted my intelligence. Anyhow, sorry for the rant. Just want truth out there. Gotta go smoke a bowl now.