US Government nukeing my seeds at the border!!


Well-Known Member
even tho your adding calmag it may still be getting locked out with the 6.3 ph...this chart shows it drops off about 6.5..and since its happening in flower its been a deficiency the whole time just shows up in flower because the plant is takin in more Mg
even tho your adding calmag it may still be getting locked out with the 6.3 ph...this chart shows it drops off about 6.5..and since its happening in flower its been a deficiency the whole time just shows up in flower because the plant is takin in more Mg
Thanks for the info..

1 question though.. I now am using promix(LC's Formula) and what is that considered on your chart?

Soil or Hydroponic? It's not really soil and it's not really hydro...


Well-Known Member
Its a Potash def, Try flushing and then nuting with a balanced npk nute, then go a little lighter on the K the next nuting around.I had the exact same thing happen last week and now everything is fine. always remember to ph balance your nutes according to the ph of your run off.