Well-Known Member
First off I didn't say I was against dreamers. But I'll bite why do they get a free pass for being a law breaker? Why must we solve the problems their OWN parents created for them? I agree it's an awful position they are in but their parents decided to put their kids in that position. Are we or are we not a nation of laws?
I would agree many dreamers are good people an mean no harm. But not all have you seen the videos of daca kids flipping the bird at the cameras while they tell the citezens of this country to fuck off? We've got school forbidding chants of USA at games because some might be offended. Who is it do you think it is that would be offended by that? Have you seen schools sending legal citezens home from school because they wore a USA shirt on May 5.
If you aren't proud of the American flag or respect the legal citezens. No I don't want you here.
Reagan was the last president to make a deal in this area. The Dems promised boarde security and ending illegal immigration. If they had held ip their end of the bargain we wouldn't be in this mess now. But they didn't now they want to give more a pass. Then in a few years they'll allow their families to come. Isn't that the definition of rewarding bad behavior? Don't you think that will lead to continues illegal immigration?
I'd be more than happy to make a deal that allowed daca to stay. But in return I want FULL funding for a wall! I also want all immigration laws enforced NO EXEPTIONS! I'm all for LEGAL immigration. That includes full vetting and assimilation! The idea of no go zones like they have in Europe is unacceptable! Any immigrate that agrees with sharia law or have radical ties will not be permitted in or expelled at a later date. This isn't a joke. If they want to come here they OBEY our laws we are a democracy! We treat women as equals not second class citezens. Ect
I would have to ask anyone out here spewing crap,
Since when Did the U.S Become a Nation of Law and Order ?
Sure we have laws that Prohibit certain things and keep most from doing the unthinkable.
Isn't the U.S the Land of the Free Home of the Brave ? I would like to ask when did we start to become the land of Law and Order, Ever since D.T Fell into the W.H. ?
When People start calling Us a Law and Order Nation, We are going to become a Military run Country and Nobody wants that, I sure hope.
We need people from other places, That is what made us a Great Nation, not that we denied people from coming here, if that were the case there would be only Native Americans here. Our diversity is what make us a special Country like no other.
If people really feel that way maybe they should take that simple DNA test they offer and find out where you came from and go back, because in your minds you really don't belong here.............
Not that you were but anyone who is
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