Tell your people to stop coming here, we're fucking sick to death of your pathetic excuse for a Russian accent, you lazy money-grabbing Communist-educated retards.
If Poland is really so great, why the fuck are people high-tailing it out of there?
You're racist and I don't talk to racists. Not like this anyway, because you can speak all you like behind your little screen with no fear.
Go for it, show everyone here how cool you aren't.
they are paying it back with favours, don't forget all the black sites in Poland, without Russias toilet, you might have to keep the real monsters on US soil, which brings with it a host of issues that hinder interrogation....
Just so everyone knows: Echelon is a second Generation Australian (only 2 generations and the results speak for them selves!).
And Doer is from the USA.
My self, I was born in a country which no one here even know's of. I'm very multicultural minded, fair minded, and I try my best to be a good person who takes important things into consideration!
I'v lived in Poland for ONLY 5% of my life, and these guys think that talking shit about Poland will hurt my feelings as much as their feelings and PRIDE have obviously been hurt by the posting of this topic.