Use of the word "chink"


Well-Known Member
As long as they leave all the women i dont care where they go,ive got a thing for Japaneese & Lebaneese women.


Well-Known Member
As long as they leave all the women i dont care where they go,ive got a thing for Japaneese & Lebaneese women.
Lebanese maybe, but Asia's the land of no ass. Pathetic, all of them. You can only fuck a face for so long.


Well-Known Member
Wtf ?!?!?!

it is far better to discuss the merits of pasteurized processed cheese products than to bother with the myriad of ethnic slurs that men have managed to come up with. coon, cracker, kike, gook, mick, wop and on and on. it's absolutely amazing, the imagination wasted on coming up with derogatory terms for anyone slightly different than yourself. of course, it doesn't stop with race. religion, ideology, hair color, occupation, shoe size; any difference is grounds for coming up with some cute little nickname to separate "us" from "them", demeaning "them" and hiding the fear in "us". it is all about fear, now isn't it? the words themselves are meaningless and harmless. their danger and their power lies in the intent of the user and the willingness of the target to be insulted.

now back to something really important. where do you stand on cheez-whiz?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have a good friend from this site who's of Chinese decent... a real good guy who's helped me in a few tight spots....The only thing I don't suffer well are FOOLS & RACISTS..


Well-Known Member
black, white, jew, asian, scotsman, italian.
actually - a mick is of irish decent, not that it really matters. i just find it amazing that we waste so much time trying to make ourselves feel better about our lot in life by attempting to denigrate others based on such arbitrary differences. amazing and quite sad.


Well-Known Member
Lebanese maybe, but Asia's the land of no ass. Pathetic, all of them. You can only fuck a face for so long.
That depends on what ya like,i much prefer women who are tiny in structure,big ass'es look great in jeans but once their naked they flap all over the place,not a pleasing sight to me.

Not to mention big feet's & thick ankles :spew: