use these seeds or not?


New Member
here is my situation...the newbie that i am at my first to say, its been a real disappointment for me this first round all because of one stupid female plant that turned herm on me in early flowering... i have 2 sativa and 2 indica in my flower room now that got pollinated from this one sativa that went hermmie...i did catch the plant one day as i saw those dreadful nanners sticking out of it...i removed the plant as soon as i noticed;however, i was hoping i got rid of the plant in time and went on to flower out the rest of the plants...low and behold seeds appearing in all my buds late flowering....dammit!!!

.....i know using seeds from a plants that pollinates itself is a no no and in the garbage bin they go.
so here is my questions about using these seeds from the plants that got pollinated.
since the sativa spit out the nanners on itself and 3 of my other plants got hit with that same it possible that i may have a feminized seed from one of my indica plants now?

if not, would it be because the one sativa was a female to begin with and doesnt make a match to pollinate with?

ive learned my first and most valuable lesson this grow....dont waste your time on some bag seed that your buddy says is awesome :roll:

now im off to pack my medicine pipe bongsmilie....back is sore today...feeling real disappointed in my self...alot of time spent for no good luck,
prob wont be able to use seeds

thanks in advanced for any opinions :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
One thing you should look at carefully before making a decision, is the light-tightness of your flower room. It needs to be totally light tight. So if you find some light leaks...that will explain the herm.

All marijuana plants have the potential to herm with the right stresses...but some are more prone and will herm all by themselves for no reason. So the point is that if you find the cause of the herm and fix it...that argues more in favor of using the seeds that your plant produced.

You should get some smokable buds from your seeded plants so don't trash them. Having said all that, it's hard enough to grow as a beginner without handicapping yourself with herm prone it might be best to buy some good seeds.
throw away the seeds. It didn't make 'proper' feminized seeds. There's a hermie gene floating around in the pool, and you don't want it.

feminized seeds are NOT created this way.

Sorry to hear about your shitty luck. Can you get a hold of any clones?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
If the plant went hermie due to stress factors, then there is no gene to pass on the trait, thus we would use them
Dr. Jekyll

If the plant just went hermie without any stress factors, then toss the seeds as the trait could be passed onto the next generation
Mr. Hyde


New Member
thanks for your replies...i appreciate it...after this grow think ill look for a good seed bank or get a clone from somewhere like you said spacecoast....thats bout all i need to the garb with all seeds...ty a learn