used for smoke


Well-Known Member
yeah i find it great just talking about weed as if its as casual a subject as the score of a football game.
EXACTLY! Every person here that I talk to about weed, always tries to get into a pissing contest with me, trying to preach bullshit like, "Trimming your leaves increase yield", WTF!? haha...



New Member
shit my girls is pregnat sorry 4 your bad luck
fuck the ppl that use us i have some true friendz including my riu friends


Active Member
EXACTLY! Every person here that I talk to about weed, always tries to get into a pissing contest with me, trying to preach bullshit like, "Trimming your leaves increase yield", WTF!? haha...

hahahah. but you gotta stay on rollitup man, cause you seem friendly, so you need to help me out with my firt grow next season.


Active Member
I actually had a question about that. I don't think trimming leaves increases yield or anything, but when if your leaves get burnt from the nutes in your water, are you better off leaving them on all crispy and dead looking or cutting them off to preserve the energy they'd use to, idk...heal? for the rest of your plant. Not sure if that makes sense or if I sound like a confounded idiot. I just got some nutes on my lower leaves and don't know if I should just trim 'em.


Well-Known Member
hahahah. but you gotta stay on rollitup man, cause you seem friendly, so you need to help me out with my firt grow next season.
I will be there my friend, hopefully I can get back into the game by then! Haven't grown in 2 months and it's fuckin' killin' me!!! haha


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your loss smokendude420 ... that is a bummer ... perhaps the time was not right .... My deepest condolences ... How is your mate doing ?

One thing I have learned in life is that everyone uses everyone else. Your smarts depend on how often you let yourself get uses and to what degree ?
Another question comes to mind .... Do you even realize that you are being used ? And why ?
This brings me to another thought .... Are your friends .... of 'wholesome type' or do they just like to smoke your crop ?



Well-Known Member
#1 rule of growing-dont tell anyone your growing. #2 rule of growing-dont tell anyone your growing, #3 rule- dont tell anyone your growing. Its such an important rule it takes up the top 3 slots by itself.
I'm just like you and sometimes wondered if i was being used, I've found keeping a few loyal friends who do return the favor. If i call up someone in my little group of stoner pals and ask for a bowl or 2 and they have it they will gladly help me out since ive done the same for them too. Dont be a loner, but dont let them fairweather guys use you either. Start calling them up and asking and see what they say. if everytime they have an excuse or say they are out fuck them people, they are worthless moochers anyway. Either they must never buy any and rely on mooching off others or they are liars who wont help a guy out when he needs it. No point in hanging with people like that.


Well-Known Member
since your on that island, can you grow year round?
I live in the industrial part of Guam, and I am only able to grow indoors...not to mention I sold most of my growing supplies to buy a car! But, I got a new, great paying job and I am building a budget to get back at it!!! I'm only saving for a 600w grow ATM, most likely DWC...because of space issues...


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have the same situation. Mainly my brother and my best friend. You know they've become fiending bastards when they invite themselves ove and jsut start poking through your ashtray for roach ends. (roach, that's an odd word!)


Well-Known Member
I have the same situation. Mainly my brother and my best friend. You know they've become fiending bastards when they invite themselves ove and jsut start poking through your ashtray for roach ends. (roach, that's an odd word!)
haha...roach does not sound too appetizing, does it!? haha...we gotta come up with a more appealing word for it...



Well-Known Member
I used to have the same problem. I just lost it one day and started "voicing my opinions" to my stoner friends.
Now, more often than not, they'll show up at home and smoke me out, or will bring some ingredients, so we ca get some edibles goin ;)


Well-Known Member
I used to have the same problem. I just lost it one day and started "voicing my opinions" to my stoner friends.
Now, more often than not, they'll show up at home and smoke me out, or will bring some ingredients, so we ca get some edibles goin ;)
I feel ya man, I hate being the one to supply shit all the, edibles sound real good right now....well, time to send my brother to pay-less to pick up some brownie batter...and maybe some cookie dough and ice cream! MmMm...



Well-Known Member
Yup! For me, edibles are great! We get some pretty average schwag around here, and it costs about $5 per ounce.

I just buy tonnes of it, and make a bunch of budder. Loves living in the freezer. Keeps well for nearly 4 months!


Well-Known Member
Yup! For me, edibles are great! We get some pretty average schwag around here, and it costs about $5 per ounce.

I just buy tonnes of it, and make a bunch of budder. Loves living in the freezer. Keeps well for nearly 4 months!
I still gotta shit load of trim saved up...I also get some from a few friends, but that usually go's toward BHO or Bubble hash!!! Yummy!



Well-Known Member
I still gotta shit load of trim saved up...I also get some from a few friends, but that usually go's toward BHO or Bubble hash!!! Yummy!


I wish I could get my hands on something better than my crappy, old silkscreen! Stuff is hard to come by in my part of the world!

we make do!


Active Member
This may be a little deep for a stoned forum, but do you ever get the feeling your "friends" use you for bud? Like everyone thinks you're awesome when you've got a big stash and you're generous. I've always believe in pot karma, so if I have a friend who I know smokes and they're out, of course I'm going to offer to smoke them hopes that one day when I'm in that situation they (or someone else) will return the favor and all will be right in the universe. Maybe I just have shitty friends, but since I've been staying home with my son, and therefore don't have a ton of $ for pot, I've been seeing a hell of a lot less of them.

I'm in the middle of a grow and I'm wondering, in this situation, would you rather have fair-weather friends or live a lonely life? I haven't even told my closest friends about my grow because I don't want them showing up in 2 months when I'm getting ready to harvest acting like we're tight.

I live in a midwestern state where if you say the wrong thing about smoke to the wrong person you're likely to get your ass busted, so how do you make friends with less douchey smokers when you're only links to the stoner community are assholes?
Sorry to hear about that man.

That can be tough and good friends are important on this Journey :(