Used UC Roots hydroponic mineral de scaler for years. I need a replacement or a way to make something myself


Well-Known Member
So This shit is expensive as hell now. I need it bc I get temps in dwc above 75 degrees and it keeps my rez nice. Any replacements out there that are like cheaper and good. This shit is like $150 for a 2.5 gallon and it only lasts me a year. I like to run it through my net cups to when I'm adding water back to the rez.


Well-Known Member
I use to use UC ROOTS, but its gonna expensive and hard to find. Well I can find it, but the places online I find it at it seems like they don't sell a lot of it and its been sitting on the shelves. I bought the UC Roots and would put it in all my top off buckets and when I made nutes (technaflora) bc I get high rez temps around 78 degrees and I would get bacteria, etc.... Will Hydroguard help with the high temps and stop the bad bacteria? Is it better than the UC roots?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
You can make your own HOCI with a generator, which ends up costing pennies per gallon. They have smaller units that look like a coffee pot now, for around the same price as a gallon of the UC roots snake oil water. Basically you just add water, salt, and a little vinegar, and turn it on and wait. Might not work as effeciently or buffer the PH as well as the higher end commercial units, but should do the job..