Useful Seeds

No i don´t know the buildasoil . Maybe because i am from little Germany ;) :D But i definetly gonna check out about that aloe and coco stuff. The funny thing is i am having an aloe PLant at my house. Can you use it´s juice too?

You absolutely can; in fact, that is the most economical way to add aloe into your feeding regimen. Plants, especially young plants focused on growing roots love it. You should really do some digging into horticultural uses of aloe and coconut, because I don’t want to profess to be the expert on their use, but they have done very well by me.
If you haven’t checked out, they have some really nice products (that I use many of), including horticultural coconut powder and aloe vera extract. If you haven’t looked in to using either of those additives, I’d suggest doing a bit of research on them. You’ll be surprised how effective they can be, especially for seedlings. For instance, aloe Vera contains salicylic acid, which stimulates root development. Coconut powder contains many cytokines too. These are also great additives for rooting clones — I’ve seen someone propagate clones that had massive, healthy white roots inside of 5 days.

Aloe Vera is also a surfactant/wetting agent; it contains Saponin as well. You should read more in depth about this stuff IMO. Of course, neither of these things are needed, but they sure do help out.
I hear crushing a aspirin into powder and dissolving in a gal of water will give salicylic acid to them too
No i don´t know the buildasoil . Maybe because i am from little Germany ;) :D But i definetly gonna check out about that aloe and coco stuff. The funny thing is i am having an aloe PLant at my house. Can you use it´s juice too?

I switched to Aloe for rooting clones last year. I cut off one of the larger parts from the bottom of the Aloe plant, scoop all the gel from inside into a blender. Add just a bit of water and blend. Use right away and dip cuttings into the Aloe gel instead of hormone powder or gel. It works great.
As for starting seeds I just put them between wet paper towel inside a plastic container in a warm spot. Usually within 24-48 hours they have cracked and sprouted tails and are then planted.
Okay crazy. I just read a little bit about self made cloning solutions and i have to say i didn´t know anything about it. always bought something and had great experiences with it. But i am also a fan of diy so i definetly will give it try.
Anyone tried Hoeny or even puttin cuttings into Potatoes?? Should be good for extremly weak cuttings. So that´s what the article said. ;) But in a non canna relatet magazine.
Hey guys I'm having some bad luck with germination it's only my 3rd grow so I do believe it's me completely. Only 1 out of 5 tranquil chocolate and 0 out of 2 blueberry n oranges. What am I doing wrong here guys please help lol. I just put them in a wet paper towel in a ziploc bag on top of my DVD player for a little warmth lol.
Please let me know how ya make out, willing to help in any way I can.
Any updates on the Black Lime Reserve?
They are ready to roll !!! Just waiting on orders.
If they go 35 more days they are gonna be swole
Oh yeah I will let them go as long as they need. Mine grew tall and wide. One is 5 foot no super cropping. The other would be close to 6 probably, it did get cropped. The Dank sinatras in there are short and bushy for sure. I have them on 12in stands to get them up there with the cct.

I'll get more pics of all tonight.
Ready and waiting, any ideas if GLG is going to pick any up?
Let me go grab my old 8 ball and give it a shake....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................All signs point to yes !!! LOL
I just had myself a solid psilocybin experience and it’s got me doing all kinds of reflection. I had this epiphany that I’m able to grow literal fire at home as a hobbyist thanks to guys like Useful putting out killer genetics. I’m also wondering how to move forward with life after seeing everything from my wife’s face to the bathroom door in such astounding dimension. Hahaha. Feeling refreshed.

Anyway, shots from today :) Keep it real, you guys are great:bigjoint::bigjoint:
