Useful Seeds

I hate to say this, but fuck that shit!!! Its like they're making you buy regs just to get the freebies... When I say they, I don't mean that you are a part of it Useful, im talking about glc... You really should think about going out on your own to end all of the confusion...
There is no confusion, you will get to pick from the freebie list if you by a feminized pack or a regular pack.
Man dbj got that on lockdown you know it. I really like great lakes.. Have faith. I think it's cool and I know I've been done right there everytime. I forgot about the 7th deal.. Haha what a cool huge bonus that would be.
But that's not fair!!! Sounds like a little kid, doesn't it??? Hahaha!!! I don't like that every seventh pack deal... If im paying 60 bucks for some seeds id better be getting some free ones as well!!! But that's just how I feel... I expect more for my money!!!
That every 7th pack is the lucky 7 that useful himself sent in. Everyone chill. Dbj knows what he's doing, but spelling, grammar and syntax is not glg's strongsuit. Having a solid seed stock and promos is however.
That every 7th pack is the lucky 7 that useful himself sent in. Everyone chill. Dbj knows what he's doing, but spelling, grammar and syntax is not glg's strongsuit. Having a solid seed stock and promos is however.
Im cool, I just like to stir the pot up sometimes
I think it's easier to think of this as a BOGO for Feminized only. For Regular packs, this is a Buy One Get Two, as they will also have a bonus (pre-determined/selected) pack attached. This previously attached bonus pack has nothing to do with the Buy One Get One sale.

Shmozz is also correct that every 7th pack of Feminized seeds will have a bonus pack attached (and that's even closer to every 5th pack, not every 7th pack). Anyone wondering, Useful attaches extras to regs to compensate for male culling... not sure whether that's been mentioned before.

@Frank Nitty I was confused just the same as you and said the same thing when I spoke to Useful.... "So the fems do or don't have a freebie attached?".... I asked him this morning... and they do not have one attached. Even though they don't have a freebie attached, they will come with a choice from the Useful Freebie list and 1 in every 5 to 7 packs WILL be a bonus winner/bonus pack. ... I think GLG just worded things a little vague on their promo and Useful is giving away so much gear (with the BOGO) it made it hard to unveil everything simultaneously. Additionally, DBJ added freebies to the list so it only added to the confusion. I understand where you were coming from but you'll be taken care of with this drop as Useful assured me him and DBJ were straight. Hope this helps, buddy.

Moving forward - I think the drop should happen in 20 minutes! Looking forward to it..! Best wishes that everyone gets what ya want!
Waited for the promo right @ 6pm but couldn't & still can't order anything from GLG. Get multiple server errors. Site's running slow as molasses. Pissed
Screen Shot 2018-08-30 at 6.02.14 PM.png
Chocolate D sold out in 10-15 minutes... Still some fire left but it's going quick.
Blessings to everyone who scored!
It's funny that just a few weeks ago they were sitting, waiting for me to buy them. Give a free pack of seeds with a em and they're gone instantly.

Someone must've gotten one of the few available FPOG f3s or they didn't get listed cause they weren't there at like 6:02. Still got my pack of gg x cd, woulda bought 2 if the fpogs were there.
It's funny that just a few weeks ago they were sitting, waiting for me to buy them. Give a free pack of seeds with a em and they're gone instantly.

Someone must've gotten one of the few available FPOG f3s or they didn't get listed cause they weren't there at like 6:02. Still got my pack of gg x cd, woulda bought 2 of the fpogs were there.
i was trying for the fp og too. can confirm, gone by 6:02