useing molasses as sole source of nutes?

New Grower 420

Active Member
im on about week 4-5 of flowering everything is green and looking good im useing 1tbs of unsulpherd molasses every watering wich is every other day. im just wondering if a little later down the road my plant is guna start getting super hungery and the molasses isint guna be enough to keep the plant healthy? if this happens what if i up the dose to like 2tbs of molasses per gal of water cuase i really dont have any accesse to other sources of nutes.

New Grower 420

Active Member
103_4340.jpg103_4360.jpg103_4352.jpg103_4353.jpg103_4348.jpg103_4351.jpg103_4356.jpgsorry about some of the blurry pics but heres a few bud shots from first grow so i duno what to expect later in flowering.


If thats all your using for nutes i'd defintaly do 2 tbs per gallon and work your way up to 3 or four towards final flush. Molasses is like a carbo load for your plant working your way up past two shouldnt have any problems since your not using any other nutes


Well-Known Member
what type of soil are you using ?

most soils have nutes in them already that feeds the plants for a few months .

New Grower 420

Active Member
what type of soil are you using ?

most soils have nutes in them already that feeds the plants for a few months .
well started off as straight soil from my yard and that worked great seeing as my yard used to be a huge cow feild soil is loaded with nutes when the plant got bigger and started flowering i transplanted to a bigger container jiffy tomatoe soil i beleave but its not packed with much nutes and there was a plant growing in the soil b4 i transplanted into it i just ripped the other one up so theres prolly very little nutes in the soil.

New Grower 420

Active Member
If thats all your using for nutes i'd defintaly do 2 tbs per gallon and work your way up to 3 or four towards final flush. Molasses is like a carbo load for your plant working your way up past two shouldnt have any problems since your not using any other nutes
thats kinda what i already started doing but i was only guna take it up to 2 thought maybe 4 was a bit much? duno if the shit can burn my plant or not?


Well-Known Member
with all the molass you have in there, putting a bit of fert with an NPK value specifically one with a high P content, will go a long way.


Active Member
i would at least use a base nute....botanicare pro bloom, Humbolt Nutrients Master B from their 2 part system...somthin along those lines..i dont know the exact prices but 1 gal would definetly cost less than 75 bucks, and you will deffinetly get better results than just using mollasses.

just my opinion!!


New Member
that shit is purple dog... molasses can get all sticky and shit up your soil, making it hard for water the flow through it and the nutes are not designed for plants, but your shits looking good whatever works shit

New Grower 420

Active Member
well it was bagseed outa some pot that looked like the top of the line shit i get for 15 a gram it just had seeds in it and it was 50 a quarter bag so i figured if this shit gets me this high and it was polinated i wonder what the product would be like if i grew it without seeds so im hoping its some killlll. anyways i have been haveing problems with my soil being hard and not absorbing water thought about putting some dish soap in it to help out......i have some nutes but there high in N and a bit low in PK i think the ratio is somthing like 15-5-10

New Grower 420

Active Member
dude no dish soap please get some nutes...
dish soap to help the soil absorb some water better not for nutes lol.....and its hard to get nutes when your broke as a joke,no credit card to order off the net ,no hydro shops or grow shops of any sort in sight thats why i kinda have to make due with what i got.


Well-Known Member
yeah, if you're interested there's a lot on it on the web, i know there's a difference from hard wood and soft wood. but yeah you can burn one of thsoe get something that is very high in P