Uses of Hemp.


Well-Known Member
Uses of Industrialized Hemp...1. It is the strongest natural fiber in the world and lasts longer than cotton. 2. Hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids and fatty acids. 3. Can be used as a resource to make fuel and bio diesel. 4. There are so many strains of hemp that you can grow it almost everywhere in the world. 5. Easy solution to stop making fossil fuels and nuclear energy for good. 6. Highest quality paper there is, AND its tree free paper. America is the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't grow industrialized hemp. . Nature against the law? One of the most useful plants in the world Illegal in America? I think we're missing out. The only thing that makes sense is that it doesn't really make sense.
That's for sure, there is no sense in hemp being illegal.

It's an amazing plant! Did you know that the original settlers of the 13 colonies were required to grow hemp on 1 acre as a backup in case their food crops failed. They could use the seeds for nutrition. The seeds contain the best protein for our bodies, and the fatty acids are in the best ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 that we can consume.

Had some organic hemp hearts(shelled hemp seed) from the store the other day. Very nice. Filling too. Yet we can't grow it...:wall:
the propagandists can always say, "but if we let people grow hemp then they can grow weed because it looks the same." or "it's too difficult to ascertain hemp from weed and our LEOs will be spread too thin." fucking anslinger really did a number on this country. let me gtfo of this thread before i really get going...
the whole "natural growing plants being against the law" argument tends to fail when people look at opium, cocaine, salvia, ect. Other than that, yes hemp is awesome.