Using 15 nutrients & additives...failure to launch


Well-Known Member
To all you fellers out there using 5 different veg nutes and 10 different additives and micro-nutes... it's not necessary and doesn't help much. just adds cost and problems in my experience. A simple, well balanced Vegetative nutrient, Bloom nutrient, and a micro-nutrient complex are all you really need(foliar feed is the best ime). I've been there, buying all of the Advanced Nutrients hype spending $300 on stupid quart sized nutes...then i started buying GO Biothrive grow+bloom barrels, Spray-n-grow micro, making my own soil and compost tea to help break shit down. I have since never changed from using those 3 nutrients, other than trying GH maxi series one season. Big ass, healthy ass 'modest' plants are all I grow now. just my 2 cents and i hope some of you will try to kick back on the nutrient hype:joint: