Using 4 citi 1212 3000k to Veg seedlings - not going well...

Ok gotcha on the lux thing. I still think it will give you very close to the umol output though, for example if I used the 0.014505 rate for 3000k samsung lm561c with 40,000 lux I get 580 umol/s but if I use the 0.014240 for a 3500k CXB3590 i get 569 umol/s. Same with 80 cri vs 90 cri. A few photons isnt going to make a big difference. I think using a subpar PAR meter will give you vastly different results (like the hydrofarm one). Again, the lux conversions im using are taken using an integrating sphere.
Exactly., It works. Seriously, just ignore SlingingPAR. That's just a troll who keeps switching nick after people figure out he's just trolling here. He starts with a new nick so people don't immediately dismiss his nonsense.

Although I do think the Hydrofarm par meter is a decent one though. Some tests seem to indicate it comes reasonably close to a proper PAR meter like a Licor.

Still, who cares about exact light intensities. People grow weed under anything from 250umol/s/m2 to 1500umol/s/m2. So who cares if you measure or calculate 800 or 880?
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Exactly., It works. Seriously, just ignore SlingingPAR. That's just a troll who keeps switching nick after people figure out he's just trolling here. He starts with a new nick so people don't immediately dismiss his nonsense.

Although I do think the Hydrofarm par meter is a decent one though. Some tests seem to indicate it comes reasonably close to a proper PAR meter like a Licor.

Still, who cares about exact light intensities. People grow weed under anything from 250umol/s/m2 to 1500umol/s/m2. So who cares if you measure or calculate 800 or 880?

Well you have proven over the years to be stupid. End.
Reveals? That would indicate that I was trying to hide something. Which I am not.

Try again. Or you can put the effort into learning how to grow and get some personal benefit.

Of course you do that! Why else do you come every few weeks with a new nickname around the corner, he?
You are a poor-minded little troll who is happy when he can provoke others.
You've probably gotten always one in your face when provoking in the bar and now you provoke therefore in forums. What's up? You no longer have health insurance?
What were your last two user names on RIU?

Would it matter?

As I recall, GrowLightResearch denied being nofucks2give for a while before he owned up to being none other. This feels similar.

As I have stated before, I am neither of those two.

Those of you who are hell bent on trying to find out what other usernames I have used in the past would be better off using that energy to learn how to grow. Besides anyone with half a clue and simple search skills could easily make the correlations but unfortunately most of you have the attention span of gnats.

Of course you do that! Why else do you come every few weeks with a new nickname around the corner, he?
You are a poor-minded little troll who is happy when he can provoke others.
You've probably gotten always one in your face when provoking in the bar and now you provoke therefore in forums. What's up? You no longer have health insurance?

I have statted many times that it is fun. For very little effort I get many examples of why one shouldn't listen to the 'gro bro' communities.

Troll? Just because you are getting embarrassed on an internet forum by some random person doesn't mean they are a troll.

Bar? You mean pub/drinking establishment? Sorry don't drink and my social circles don't include people who resort to fisticuffs when their feelings are hurt.

Why would you bring up health insurance? Did you lose yours? Sorry to hear that, maybe you should move to a better country with health care. Since you have no idea who I am the only logical explanation is that you are trying to use it as an insult because it is something you are experiencing. By the way, that is known as projection. Little bit of psychology for you to read up on.
Based upon text analysis I have figured out who he is...

View attachment 4129207

Sorry unfamiliar with the picture or what it represents. Also not sure if you are referring to myself and, if so, if it is meant to be an insult. Although 'gro bro' randomblame liked your post, he is often confused about simple things so I won't take that into account.

Besides don't you use Bridgelux components in your offerings? Would hate to hear about supply chain issues that might crop up. Logistics can be a pain these days especially with misdirected orders and what not.
Of course you do that! Why else do you come every few weeks with a new nickname around the corner, he?
You are a poor-minded little troll who is happy when he can provoke others.
You've probably gotten always one in your face when provoking in the bar and now you provoke therefore in forums. What's up? You no longer have health insurance?

I have a feeling he goes on meth benders and comes to the forums every few weeks, and that is what we're witnessing right now. Pure psychosis. Sociopathy as well.
I have a feeling he goes on meth benders and comes to the forums every few weeks, and that is what we're witnessing right now. Pure psychosis. Sociopathy as well.

Projection. You know that there is help out there for your addiction problem and mental health issues.

In the meantime your family should get your guns taken away from you for everyone's safety.

But do let us know if you get a PAR meter.
nah ..we need fun..

to be fair.. i am not paying that much attention..

i do have leds /cobs..i grew with hid since 1979..done a zillion different methods

561 a or b..cobs..just give em enough ..find a good height..

then the rest of the factors come into play.

dammit its indoor gardening not rocket science jim...

i had a par broke..i have alux meter..

NONE of those things have helped my grow at all..

looking at the plants has though..but it ain't just photons
nah ..we need fun..

to be fair.. i am not paying that much attention..

i do have leds /cobs..i grew with hid since 1979..done a zillion different methods

561 a or b..cobs..just give em enough ..find a good height..

then the rest of the factors come into play.

dammit its indoor gardening not rocket science jim...

i had a par broke..i have alux meter..

NONE of those things have helped my grow at all..

looking at the plants has though..but it ain't just photons
Good points, the light tech is one piece of the puzzle, main reason I'd posted above was to prove that point. You can veg with various techs, some more effective than others, you adjust, dial it in and carry on, next...

Sometimes it seems like people are expecting the plants to grow themselves just because you put them under some high tech lights. Gardening well and growing dank takes work and commitment, and that means a hell of a lot more than putting them under some fancy-ass lights.
nah ..we need fun..

to be fair.. i am not paying that much attention..

i do have leds /cobs..i grew with hid since 1979..done a zillion different methods

561 a or b..cobs..just give em enough ..find a good height..

then the rest of the factors come into play.

dammit its indoor gardening not rocket science jim...

i had a par broke..i have alux meter..

NONE of those things have helped my grow at all..

looking at the plants has though..but it ain't just photons

Yeah success is 100% skill of the grower. A good grower can grow under any type of lighting. They will know what to grow, what to expect and how to deal with issues that come into play. The latest and greatest lighting technology doesn't magically turn a newbie into an expert.

There is no replacement for experience. That is why OMS doesn't need a PAR meter, he can tell from the plants.