Using a heating pad on a cold night.


Active Member
Recently the weather has been incredible 70 degree + days for the past 2 weeks, My plant was very unhappy in the closet not growing quickly and she got burnt to boot by a light coming down too close ! So i've since relocated her to the window and she's been more than happy, she's been flourishing, even though she is naked around the middle XD, Anyway, tonight it's supposed to drop near freezing , is it alright for me to use a low powered heating pad underneath her it reaches with the cover on maybe 75 - 80 degrees, but the air around her keeps it at about 66 degrees. Will heat do anything bad to the roots?

006.JPG This pic was just after i over watered her, woops XD also had to remove her first 3 sets of true leaves due to burns / burnt micro organisms.
She's a bit larger than this now /


Well-Known Member
Weed can handle 66 degrees just fine, but I don't think a heating mat will hurt. Also a dome wouldn't hurt either short term, basically a green house..