Using a Sentinel CHHC-1


I just purchased a Sentinel CHHC-1 and am having some issues with the initial setup.
First, I use compressed CO2 tanks with a regulator.
I have two small CFM (250CFM) air intakes
I have a large Can fan (700CFM) for my exhaust.
I want to have the CHHC-1 control all this without compromising anything or without having to purchase a separate dehumidifier.

My question is this: how can I set the CHHC-1 to control the humity when too high and still control the temp when too high while making sure to shut off when the CO2 is kicked on?
I have read the instructions about the interlock. Can I do an interlock for both? And, should the exhaust be connected to the cooling side outlet or the humidity outlet?

Solar Deity

Well, my first post after lurking for a year..... I'll try to help with CHHC-1 settings. I've been using one for a bit now.

I'm a electronic gadget freak. I am currently running 6 Sentinel controllers and power expanders. A CHHC-1, an EVC-2, a UTC-1, an MDT-1 and two PXM-1's, and I'm not done. Need one more for the Veg cabinet.

"My question is this: how can I set the CHHC-1 to control the humidity when too high and still control the temp when too high while making sure to shut off when the CO2 is kicked on?"
CHHC-1 Settings
1.) CO2 mode = Logic On
2.) Humidity mode = RH decr
3.) Interlock Humidity & Temp
4.) Interlock CO2 & Temp

Interlock both Temp/CO2 & Temp/Humidity. What is your humidity in January? In the Northeast, I have to run two humidifiers just to keep the RH at 40-45%. It's about 15% RH now, but our average temps are 25F. That will change in April. Not sure of your setup but you need a completely sealed room, and air/water cooled light hoods to make it effective and not be a waste of CO2/time/money with the compressed gas/solenoid set-up. Otherwise, your enrichment goes out the exhaust. I run two fans through sealed hoods, a push and ull setup with the larger CFM fan at the end. This lets you cool the cab and not waste CO2. You decrease temps and don't have to worry about over pressure and leakage with sealed fixtures.

"Can I do an interlock for both?"
Yes you can and should. The temp operations override the other two. If it gets too hot, CO2 and your humidity device (when interlocked) turn off first and the CHHC-1 attempts to adjust your temps by running your cooling device (700 CFM fan).

"Should the exhaust be connected to the cooling side outlet or the humidity outlet?"
It depends on which fan you end up using for exhaust? I would daisy chain the two 250CFM's together to cool your lights with zero CO2 loss. When the temps get too hot, the cooling device outlet can run the twin 250's through your lights. Hook the 700CFM up to the humidity outlet. I don't know if it's feasible with your setup?

Just remember with CO2:
"Studies have shown optimal growth and yields at 90-95°F, 1,500 ppm CO2, 45-50% relative humidity, 7,500-10,000 lumens/square foot of light, and vigorous air movement both above and below the canopy. Internal air movement in the grow room is critical to CO2 enrichment. Carbon dioxide is a slightly heavier molecule than other molecules floating around in the gaseous mixture we call air. Thus, CO2 enrichment without air movement will result in the gas settling out of the atmosphere before it has a chance to reach the plants."

Hope this helps. Ask if you have any other questions. I can whip up a sketch of my setup if a diagram helps?
