using a Siphoned Co2 tank ? ? ? need some type of warmer? ? ?


Active Member
the title pretty much says it. I have access to Co2 tanks (20 and 50lbs) but they all have siphon tubes inside of them.
my question is:
is there anyway to warm up the out coming Co2 prior to it going through my regulator? I know that if I do not do this, it will freeze up the solenoid on my Co2 regulator.

any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The only way is to flip the cylinders upside down to get the tube out of the liquid. Not easy with the 50 but could be done with the 20#. No way to warm it up really. They sell a regulator with a warmer built in but it is for high volume flow not liquid.

Hope it helped




Well-Known Member
i was thinking a simple expansion chamber would be sufficient considering the lower volume actually going through, but you don't want to risk the valve freezing open, that could be bad.

Some tanks can be opened and the siphon tube removed, unless its a welded top.

some tanks also have the siphon tube sticking into a corner of the tank. if you knew which you could lay the tank on the side with the tube corner up and only slightly elevated.
