using cfl and hps at the same time?

I was told that mixing up spectrums promotes good plant growth, I have a 400w HPS and 200W CFL on at the same time over my plants, is this good or bad? will I see a good or bad difference? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
mixed spectrum means using both red and blue spectrum lighting. what it the k of your cfl/s? regardless of that answer i'll answer the other 2 questions. 1. Good compared to not using the cfl. 2. basically the same question as #1 so pretty much the same answer.


Well-Known Member
Just stick with the high intence light,that beeing the hps.The cfl lights will just waste electric try to cut down on the amount of plants that you do 2 per hps light
well, I can tell you right now, a 400w hps is not enough for 12 plants, each about 2 feet tall. Therefore I installed another light and a T5 now also, electricity is nothing to worry about, a 2700k cfl dont cost no more than like 8 dollars extra a month. and the 400w hps runs about 50-60 extra a month. thanks anyways everyone. Goodluck growing! I'll post pictures soon.