Using CFL's..How many , how much .. !!


Well-Known Member
I've added a 2.700k bubl that produces 60watts between them.I've noticed some small burns when their leaves end.What could it be ? I haven't fed anythign yet.


Well-Known Member
Some soil already contains nutrients, which are released when you water your plants. Sounds like nute burn, but that's a guess without seeing pics. Always try to post pics. It's the first thing most people will ask to see when diagnosing plant problems.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to add, you can grow some pretty big plants using CFL's. I use about 300 mixed watts/plant...and this is the result taken last week:



Well-Known Member
I've transplanted and i'm working on Biobizz low nut soil.I think it was too much for them(the one i had previous).This is a pic before i transplant.I'll get more tomorrow..!!

2013-11-02 16-01-13.070.jpg2013-11-02 16-01-02.196.jpg


Well-Known Member
Could you let us know briefly your steps doing this :D ?
Briefly took almost 2 years, but the lighting portion I'll do my best to explain.

I flower 4 plants at a time using a 5X5 area, surrounding plants at various heights(which requires more square footage than HPS overhead fixtures)with over 1,000 actual watts of mixed spectrum 42 *actual watt bulbs. The area is a walk-in closet, so plants receive max benefit from CFL's due to white walls reflecting.

And that plant is now receiving an extra 360 watts of UVB mercury vapor lighting...after those pics were taken.



Well-Known Member
Thanks what i'm aiming for mate..PEWW it looks awsome.I haven't much space but i'll go for it :$
The more, the better when it comes to CFL's...the lady is now flowering and a tad larger.

Will post another pic when I pull her out for watering.
