Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

Lets look at it this way... Lets say you take your right hand and hold it up in the air.. Then you move your hand from right to left in order to measure the speed and velocity of your hand. The measurement you come up with would be true in the "isolated system" that is Planet Earth.. However.. if you really wanted to get an accurate measurement of how fast your hand is actually moving.. you would take the movement of your hand.. plus the speed of the rotation of the earth, plus the speed of the orbit of the earth around the sun.. plus the speed of the solar system moving through the galaxy, plus the galaxy through the universe.. Once you add in all of these factors.. your hand is actually travelling close to the SPEED OF LIGHT!

BOTH of these figures are "true" in their own right... but in the grand scheme of the universe.. which one is more relevant?? THIS is why Isolated systems tell us NOTHING about the UNIVERSE.. they only give limited information based on the function of objects within an ISOLATED SYSTEM!

Go back to school kiddies.....
WTF are you talking about? By definition, a law in science is based on repeated observation that describes something about how the world works. There is no requirement for an isolated system. Same as with a scientific theory. Isolated systems are sometimes created in order to control variables, but even then, the phenomena being tested is still part of the natural world. Your fallacious reasoning would suggest that if I try to make an isolated system to test gravity, like rolling balls down a ramp in a vacuum, then because I isolated gravitation from other effects like air resistance, you suggest that my results are hypothetical.

Your lack of understanding of the scientific method is what is allowing you to be persuaded by con-artists and pseudoscience.

I love the hypocricy in your signature "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. ~Carl Sagan"

You claim its far better to grasp the universe as it really is... and yet you base your beliefs on isolated properties of Planet Earth.. instead of the properties of the whole universe?!?!

It seems you are just full of contradictions that make no sense! Just like relativistic physics! LOL
its ok to debate but stop with the personal attacks or i will close the thread i aint kidding i will put my foot down.
This is seen as the WORST prediciton physics has ever made.. The numbers between quantum and relative threory produced a discrepency of 107 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.. due to the calculations generated from Isolated Sytems theory. This is the LARGEST PROBLEM PHYSICS HAS EVER FACED! And Haramein has solved it with provable... back-checkable MATH... This is a problem that physicists have been working on for nearly 100 years... Its no wonder the scientific community is trying to bury it... Heaven forbid this "crackpot" that eveyone has dismissed for 25 years is actually RIGHT! You people have a LOT to learn about how this profit drivin world we live in ACTUALLY works!
its ok to debate but stop with the personal attacks or i will close the thread i aint kidding i will put my foot down.

How is this a personal attack? I simply stated his views are contradicting themselves? Is proving someone wrong now seen as an insult?
How is this a personal attack? I simply stated his views are contradicting themselves? Is proving someone wrong now seen as an insult?
insulting his signature, telling people to go back to school , ect ect which clearly is adding fuel to the fire in this thread, I love to have debate topics, lets just do it without getting overly upset, no matter how hard to throw facts at people sometimes people are not willing to accept or believe them, therefore this thread is becoming you beating a dead horse;.....pointless. So if you guys (and say this to everyone I am not singling you out like you think) cannot debate properly I will close the thread . end of discussion;.
How did I insult his signature??? I simply pointed out a contradiction between his signature.. and the beliefs he posted. How is this insulting when its true??? And my apologies for the "Go Back To school" comment, I was simply trying to elaborate the fact that many of these arguements relate to an outdated model that is no longer being practiced by many physicists today. I was trying to be funny.. Im sorry it was taken as an insult.... Taken STRAIGHT out of Wikipedia

Conservation law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, a conservation law states that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves.
One particularly important physical result concerning conservation laws is Noether's Theorem, which states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between conservation laws and differentiable symmetries of physical systems. For example, the conservation of energy follows from the time-invariance of physical systems, and the fact that physical systems behave the same regardless of how they are oriented in space gives rise to the conservation of angular momentum.

And Im the one that doesnt understand the scientific method???? Fuck off troll!
You referred to 'natural laws of the universe' and to support your contention, you pull up the definition of a conservation law, a subset of scientific laws? Do you also realize that laws are not the explanatory part of science, they are merely observable phenomena? Scientific theories incorporate laws but they are not constrained by isolated systems. Yes, you don't understand the scientific method, or apparently science in general for that matter.

Cursing and calling me a troll is so helpful to your argument.:roll:
Lets look at it this way... Lets say you take your right hand and hold it up in the air.. Then you move your hand from right to left in order to measure the speed and velocity of your hand. The measurement you come up with would be true in the "isolated system" that is Planet Earth.. However.. if you really wanted to get an accurate measurement of how fast your hand is actually moving.. you would take the movement of your hand.. plus the speed of the rotation of the earth, plus the speed of the orbit of the earth around the sun.. plus the speed of the solar system moving through the galaxy, plus the galaxy through the universe.. Once you add in all of these factors.. your hand is actually travelling close to the SPEED OF LIGHT!
It seems you have a rudimentary grasp of the principle of relativity, you seem to misunderstand the fundamental concept that the laws of physics are identical in ALL frames.
BOTH of these figures are "true" in their own right... but in the grand scheme of the universe.. which one is more relevant?? THIS is why Isolated systems tell us NOTHING about the UNIVERSE.. they only give limited information based on the function of objects within an ISOLATED SYSTEM!
You are conflating isolated systems with frames of reference. They are different concepts entirely.
Go back to school kiddies.....
You should take your own advice.
Methinks he should go to deep space and grow a plant there and enjoy his quantum high in the Universe rather than our poor lil isolated Earth. Then he and the op can enjoy chunking crystals at us while we sit comfortably at home, on Earth, which last time I checked it is in The Universe, smoking good weed and not having to bear his self fluffing impossible arguments. His problem with gravity is nothing more than we haven't gotten to the understanding of why it is so weak. Like his character.
Sunni, why does jay3lee get his balls busted but no one else?
he was not the only one i called everyone out, that is not singling out.
its ok to debate but stop with the personal attacks or i will close the thread i aint kidding i will put my foot down.
He was singled out AFTER i told everyone to stop but he couldnt do that and continued to do what i asked him not too. I am a pretty relaxed mod, I will always give warning to stop before I close.
I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about the fool before me that keeps wanting to add fuel to fires everywhere he goes.. why can't these stooges go elsewhere? I came here to read this topic not slag people off for their beliefs...
I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about the fool before me that keeps wanting to add fuel to fires everywhere he goes.. why can't these stooges go elsewhere? I came here to read this topic not slag people off for their beliefs...

isnt the validity of the premise part of the topic?

this is the science section "beliefs" do not trump reality here and everything should be questioned
Whatever...i wish someone would do a grow with the variables along side a we can talk about the grow! Instead of the sly mud slinging..calling people weak of character,/saying crystals users should be making crack.instead of coming to this thread to discuss their benefits....maybe yall should go start a thread.about how you don't give a fk about crystals....p.s the horse being flogged is dead because of the poachers...
Whatever...i wish someone would do a grow with the variables along side a we can talk about the grow! Instead of the sly mud slinging..calling people weak of character,/saying crystals users should be making crack.instead of coming to this thread to discuss their benefits....maybe yall should go start a thread.about how you don't give a fk about crystals....p.s the horse being flogged is dead because of the poachers...
to discuss benefits first you have to show the benefits exist

you right an experiment with controls would be a good start to get that information but i dont see most people here bothering to waste their grow time messing about with crystals and i wouldnt trust jay3lee's methods or data when it came to it

if your interested enough why dont you do that experiment?

if you do you can post everything here from your pre experiment planning to full journal and smoke test