Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

I just came across this article from Spirit Science:

"Scientists Create Near-Living Crystal" - Science

We know that crystals have been proven to store information, harness the energy of consciousness, have many technological functions, and contain silicon and carbon - the building blocks of life. The also possess energetic qualities that have promoted healing and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They have been used throughout history as a conduit between the world of life (as we know it) and inanimate matter, but the life-like properties of crystals may be more literal than previously thought.

Physicists at NYC University have this month published the results of their experiment on the lifelike behaviours of a newly-synthesized chemical compound. Taking hematite (a compound of iron and oxygen) as the particle basis, they added a spherical polymer coat. Leaving a corner of the hematite particle exposed and subjecting the compound to blue light, the particles began moving, breaking apart and reforming in a ‘lifelike’ manner. The physicists have uploaded this clip displaying the behaviour of the “light-activated colloidal surfers.” -

The particles aren't truly alive -- but they're not far off, either. Exposed to light and fed by chemicals, they form crystals that move, break apart and form again. "There is a blurry frontier between active and alive," said biophysicist Jérémie Palacci of New York University. One of the physicists involved, Chaikin acknowledges that a definition of life is a difficult one to make. He comments that one definition of life is possessing metabolism, the ability to self-replicate and the ability to move and that the ‘colloidal surfers’ satisfy two of these criteria. They lack only the ability to self-replicate.

"Living Crystals of Light-Activated Colloidal Surfers." By Jeremie Palacci, Stefano Sacanna, Asher Preska Steinberg, David J. Pine, Paul M. Chaikin. Science, Vol. 339 No. 6119, 1 February 2013.""
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:

Yeah you tell me how that turns out.
I just came across this article from Spirit Science:

"Scientists Create Near-Living Crystal" - Science

We know that crystals have been proven to store information, harness the energy of consciousness, have many technological functions, and contain silicon and carbon - the building blocks of life. The also possess energetic qualities that have promoted healing and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They have been used throughout history as a conduit between the world of life (as we know it) and inanimate matter, but the life-like properties of crystals may be more literal than previously thought.

Physicists at NYC University have this month published the results of their experiment on the lifelike behaviours of a newly-synthesized chemical compound. Taking hematite (a compound of iron and oxygen) as the particle basis, they added a spherical polymer coat. Leaving a corner of the hematite particle exposed and subjecting the compound to blue light, the particles began moving, breaking apart and reforming in a ‘lifelike’ manner. The physicists have uploaded this clip displaying the behaviour of the “light-activated colloidal surfers.” -

The particles aren't truly alive -- but they're not far off, either. Exposed to light and fed by chemicals, they form crystals that move, break apart and form again. "There is a blurry frontier between active and alive," said biophysicist Jérémie Palacci of New York University. One of the physicists involved, Chaikin acknowledges that a definition of life is a difficult one to make. He comments that one definition of life is possessing metabolism, the ability to self-replicate and the ability to move and that the ‘colloidal surfers’ satisfy two of these criteria. They lack only the ability to self-replicate.

"Living Crystals of Light-Activated Colloidal Surfers." By Jeremie Palacci, Stefano Sacanna, Asher Preska Steinberg, David J. Pine, Paul M. Chaikin. Science, Vol. 339 No. 6119, 1 February 2013.""

dude, if one of those physicists at NYCU called their crystals "alive" ill eat my fucking hat.

when your source starts out "We know that crystals have been proven to store information, harness the energy of consciousness, have many technological functions, and contain silicon and carbon - the building blocks of life. The also possess energetic qualities that have promoted healing and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They have been used throughout history as a conduit between the world of life (as we know it) and inanimate matter, but the life-like properties of crystals may be more literal than previously thought."

then you should realize it's pure BULLSHIT.

"We" Know No Such Thing! this shit is just nonsensical garbage from some asshole who will offer to sell you "magic healing crystals" or homeopathic "structured water"

dude, if one of those physicists at NYCU called their crystals "alive" ill eat my fucking hat.

when your source starts out "We know that crystals have been proven to store information, harness the energy of consciousness, have many technological functions, and contain silicon and carbon - the building blocks of life. The also possess energetic qualities that have promoted healing and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They have been used throughout history as a conduit between the world of life (as we know it) and inanimate matter, but the life-like properties of crystals may be more literal than previously thought."

then you should realize it's pure BULLSHIT.

"We" Know No Such Thing! this shit is just nonsensical garbage from some asshole who will offer to sell you "magic healing crystals" or homeopathic "structured water"

You are the voice of reason.
dude, if one of those physicists at NYCU called their crystals "alive" ill eat my fucking hat.

when your source starts out "We know that crystals have been proven to store information, harness the energy of consciousness, have many technological functions, and contain silicon and carbon - the building blocks of life. The also possess energetic qualities that have promoted healing and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. They have been used throughout history as a conduit between the world of life (as we know it) and inanimate matter, but the life-like properties of crystals may be more literal than previously thought."

then you should realize it's pure BULLSHIT.

"We" Know No Such Thing! this shit is just nonsensical garbage from some asshole who will offer to sell you "magic healing crystals" or homeopathic "structured water"

You didn't know water has memory? PFFFFFFTTTTTT.... you obviously didn't graduate from the Homeopathic training Center....:mrgreen:
You didn't know water has memory? PFFFFFFTTTTTT.... you obviously didn't graduate from the Homeopathic training Center....:mrgreen:

*passes the pipe with some quartz and black onyx in it* Here, this will help with your lack of energy.. will completely revitalize you. .. hahahaha :D

some kid at Electric Forest tried explaining the whole crystal/ energy thing to me... I couldn't help but giggle. He was like, "dude I lost this for like a week and just wasn't the same. It found it's way back to me though, and I just felt 1000x better physically and spiritually."

some kid at Electric Forest tried explaining the whole crystal/ energy thing to me... I couldn't help but giggle. He was like, "dude I lost this for like a week and just wasn't the same. It found it's way back to me though, and I just felt 1000x better physically and spiritually."

everybody's got a gris gris.

i feel naked if i doint have a pocketknife on me. but only the truely stupid think their trinkets and personal effects are magical, and they do something other than reassure you with their presence, or provide sentimental comfort.

but then if you need to cut something or stab somebody, a knife is always handy. a leaded glass pendant not so much....
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:

Hey, did you ever find if this made a difference? Sorry, I skipped all the way to the end without reading much of the thread... too many trolls.

some kid at Electric Forest tried explaining the whole crystal/ energy thing to me... I couldn't help but giggle. He was like, "dude I lost this for like a week and just wasn't the same. It found it's way back to me though, and I just felt 1000x better physically and spiritually."

The problem is that people actually believe these things are needed to make them better. They might help, but in most cases it seems to me more a case of spiritual materialism...completely missing the point.
Hey, did you ever find if this made a difference? Sorry, I skipped all the way to the end without reading much of the thread... too many trolls.

Well, yeah. I don't want to read it either, because I don't want to troll. :)

There only one way to prove anything. Double blind study. So without that, it is called woo.

And you will find, if you look hard for a lifetime, as I have done, that in every single solitary corner of para-normal whatsit, there can NEVER be a successful double blind study. (SDBS)

If there was it would be mainstream science and not woo. Science is built up this way, and when we get to life science and our hope, dreams, fear, cult longing belonging, and yes, brag and ego, money, etc, we get woo.

This is why Life Sciences, especially, are conducted toward SDBS. Everything that fails that rigor, is either Snake Oil, if it is a product for sale. Or in the case of raw beliefs, of forces outside of Science ABILITY to define, are indistinguishable from Religion.
of the lesser-known species:

bastnasite (zagi mtn) -- get one. i bought a fucking monstrous one for $500 but you can definitely find perfect ones for less than $20 :)
phenakite -- if you made quartz into bho, you'd get phenakite! haha
benitoite -- not a coincidence that it's Cali's state stone lol
tenebrescent burmese hackmanite -- put in sunlight for 5 mins to durn dark purple colour
bright orange spessartite
I have never grown weed without crystals, so I am not sure if it made a physical difference on my plants. But it still had a real difference on my perception of reality. Because of that, I will never grow without them. I like knowing that the weed was "grown with crystals." It is important to stress that crystal pyramids probably aren't going to overpower the environment. Shitty conditions + crystals will not make Grade A nugs. But take someone who is already producing Grade A+ nugs in the perfect environment and add crystals to that? Now THATS that shit I like!!!!
I can see this working.
Maybe if they are positioned in such a way as to reflect more light onto the plants.
Personally, I'll stick with mylar. Cheaper and more efficient.
p.s. Is science and tech really the right place for this thread?