Using Hydrogen Peroxide, to kill algae and bacteria, and prevent root rot

tree king

Well-Known Member
waiiiiiit a minute......
10 times??? ....
thats 70ml/GALLON@29% h202 !!?????
lol. k. i know why your roots are white :P
sorry, but that amount would kill everything in and around my res.
you're talkin about 70ml per gallon at a whopping 29% h202 solution.
I cleaned mine up with 11ml per gallon @3% h202 solution.
and that was only for a few days (until noticeable improvements were made)
ive done it before but just so you know its only for 1 watering when your having serious problems already. good thing for me it was just 2 plants in 4" squared rockwool cubes. the plants were about to die from serious root rot so i dumped a gallon of water in some tupperware with 70 ml of 29%. i let the plants soak it up and a few days later i was exited to see new lush green growth. its a miracle those plants survived i thought they were dead for sure. someone i know on another forum once dipped a clones roots that were drenched in pythium brown sludge into pure 35% with no water added. after he dipped it in he heard the h202 snap crackle and popping and when he took the clone out all the brown sludge was gone. after that the plant started growing like crazy and was very healthy. im not recommending anyone do that but it seems like its hard to overdose a plant with h202


Well-Known Member
Yo HR can i use half the tea tonight and keep brewing until tomorrow night? I have to bring my water home from the store due to 515ppm of tap water.


Rebel From The North
I miss read your post yes 2gals is good for 25gal. As for the left overs just keep it in the fridge.

Im confused bro at what your asking


Well-Known Member
I miss read your post yes 2gals is good for 25gal. As for the left overs just keep it in the fridge.

Im confused bro at what your asking
Sorry i'm in the middle of doing the nutes... I wanted to know if i could keep brewing the remaining from i what i'm not using. But you just answered my question, stating to leave it in the fridge. I only have one 1gal jug right now, anyways i'll figure it out. This looks like the shiz... black gold u say? Anything i should be aware of or to look for ?
Thanks bro can't wait to see it in action!!


Well-Known Member
HR after only 36 hrs since adding the tea i have some slime and coffee grain looking stuff floating in my rez any ideas?


Well-Known Member
just keep adding the tea it take some time the coffee grain stuff is normal it will clear up
I dumped that rez , some of the little branches on the bottom of plant just wilted over right below the flower, i'm hoping that the rest of the plant doesn't do this. I guess i will going back to the H202. No time mess around or start over...sigh


Rebel From The North
I dumped that rez , some of the little branches on the bottom of plant just wilted over right below the flower, i'm hoping that the rest of the plant doesn't do this. I guess i will going back to the H202. No time mess around or start over...sigh
Thats not the tea cauzing that but good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Thats not the tea cauzing that but good luck bro
I'm not saying it's the tea, but i didn't notice until after adding it. It's only on 1 of my trays so hopefully it doesn't spread what ever the F#$% it is. Growing has started become more of a job instead of hobby like when i first started and enjoyed it so much. I would show a pic if my dumazz knew how to upload from my lappy. Anyways thanks bro for the heads up maybe i can try the tea again next go around.