Using Mirrors


Well-Known Member
I have two large mirrors. What is your opinion on using mirrors instead of milar? I am totally new at indoor growing.
Don't do it. Plants don't feel the need to look at themselves... Flat white paint reflects light more evenly and efficiently. It's just not a good idea on multiple levels.


Well-Known Member
Using mirror is a useful option for growing marijuana indoor. Mirrors are quite helpful in providing lights to the cultivation in right and desired direction. So, i suggest that you should use mirrors in order to provide lightening to marijuana plant.
No, this is a horrible idea. Trust me, do some research, whatever. Trust me plant aren't as vein as us humans; they don't need to look at themselves.


Well-Known Member
Using mirror is a useful option for growing marijuana indoor. Mirrors are quite helpful in providing lights to the cultivation in right and desired direction. So, i suggest that you should use mirrors in order to provide lightening to marijuana plant.
OK, PLEASE UNDERSTAND that I'm seriously not trying to be a jerk or rude here, I'm baked off my ass
(Tis The Season:leaf::weed::leaf:) so please bear with me but while I was reading that it sounded SOOOOO MUCH like a robot, I need you to answer something so I know your a person, can you respond with how many fingers I'm holding up, oh wait that's not going to work, uhh........well I'm going to have to think about this but in the mean time I'm on to you Mr. JCrooks, if that is your real name?????:confused:

And I Digress:

Well it all depends, if your using CFL's/fluorescent/T5's then it should be fine, if however your using 1000W HID's then you run the risk of getting hot spots and burning your plants, if your using 400W HID's or above I suggest you use a grow film like mylar or better yet diamond diffused mylar, you can even use cheap white poly, there are many options to choose from but I wouldn't recommend mirrors when using over 400W, whatever you decide good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
wrong. mirrors actually absorb more light. plain white paint is tons better.
There we go the mirrors actually eat light! Maylar as well has been said to throw spectrum of light unevenly as well. Just paint walls white it's 90% reflective and keeps it clean looking in the garden cheaper too if dollars are of concern


Well-Known Member
Yep. Think about it. The light has to travel through the glass twice. Then the hot spot problems, weight, mounting them etc. Just go with the white paint. The 'diffusing' effect helps penetration.


Sector 5 Moderator
Snicker snicker. This guy posted "Smoking Marijuana Directly Effects Your Health" in the General Growing section. Not sure if he's just a troll, a noob, or just a moron.


Thanks for all the input. Going to be building a separate grow and flower room soon and I will def paint the walls.


Well-Known Member
mirrors create waaaay too much heat. flat white can be up to 99% reflective and last for years.


I have more work to do to the space to paint white. And I have a plant now that will have no home while I paint so it will have to wait until I crop out then the next grow will have the nice new white walls. Thanks.