Using Molasses Hype or does it really help?


Well-Known Member
Doing a test run on my 5 week budding Purple Kush. Have 6 plants total. One I have fed molasses since switch to 12/12. I use it in my nute schedule along with in my teas every 2 weeks. So far I can't see any difference. I've used it in the past and didn't notice any difference except possibly in taste of final product. Any thoughts or input? First pic is top cola plant with no molasses used. As you can see she's starting to purple up and get frosty. Second pic plant on right has been fed molasses. Plant on left i've used none. I still have 4-5 more weeks. Time will tell.


Hi there, it helps for sure, be sure its unsulphered blackstrap mollasses and if your in hydro i dont suggest using it the whole time, the last 3 weeks perhaps, in soil its safe throughout, it adds carbohydrates which is never a bad thing, just dont use air in your res


Well-Known Member
Hi there, it helps for sure, be sure its unsulphered blackstrap mollasses and if your in hydro i dont suggest using it the whole time, the last 3 weeks perhaps, in soil its safe throughout, it adds carbohydrates which is never a bad thing, just dont use air in your res
As you can see they are in buckets. And yes, I am using unsulphured.
I have seen best results using it in the last weeks of flower, they get bigger and firmer for sure, and taste is improved greatly as you mentioned, using molasses is like many expensive additives, i would say you get the most for the money this way, i used it during flush aswell, you should do a side by side test using it the whole duration, i use koolbloom with it, last crop i went 5 days over, used those products and did substantially better
I used to use it the whole time flowering but the bottle says not to use at all so ive cut back to last 2-3 weeks, i never did notice bad thibgs happening but i have alot to lose


Hey zack66 good question. I personally use Grandmas Unsulphered Blackstrap Molasses for a few reasons. Firstly Grandmas has a good source of supplemental Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Secondly i use an organic live soil with active organisms so in feeding the soil the molasses, this kinda supercharges the organisms in the soil and gets them moving and eating alot. By this increase in activity and consumption there is more byproduct being created by these organisms thus allowing more available nutrients and food for the roots to uptake. So i would say the majority of the benefits come from growing in a chemical free, organic and live soil environment. If using a heavily chemical based nutrient, this can kill any living productive organisms in the soil and the molasses will not be used to its full potential. Hope this helps
I didnt realize that greatfuljoe, i myself dont use organics at all apart from the blackstrap and liquidkarma, i also didnt realize it contained living organisms, perhaps this is why the bottle suggests not to use it with my method, that said, im not prepared to stop using it just yet


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting using it during veg also? It certainly helps to get my teas nice and foamy. Once again, not sure on any real benefits from it. My medium is all organic as well as my nutes. I have heard it takes a long time for molasses to actually break down to really see any benefits. Not sure on that one though. I do know lot's of nutes contain similar properties as molasses. Such as cal-mag.
I wonder though why products like grozyme would be used in chemical situations as it too contains living organisms, its off topic but i had to throw it out there